Miladunnabi (PBUH) today on the holy Eid

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Jumbangla Desk: Today is the holy Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH). The 12th Rabiul Awal of Hijri year is observed by the Muslim world as the holy Eid Mila Dunnabi (PBUH). On this day, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the founder of Islam and beloved of Allah, Prophet and Messenger, came to earth.


Miladunnabi (PBUH) today on the holy Eid
September 16, 20244 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: Today is the holy Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH). The 12th Rabiul Awal of Hijri year is observed by the Muslim world as the holy Eid Mila Dunnabi (PBUH). On this day, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the founder of Islam and beloved of Allah, Prophet and Messenger, came to earth.

At the age of 40, Muhammad (pbuh) received prophethood. The first revelation revealed to him from Allah was 'Iqra Bi-Isme Rabbikallaji Khalak'. After that, he preached Islam, the religion of peace and the message of the Holy Qur'an, through hard work, devotion and unlimited sacrifice for 23 years on the instructions of the Most Merciful Allah.

In the gap of 63 years, on the same day, Allah's beloved Habib and Prophet of Dojahan passed away. The day is being celebrated in Bangladesh with due dignity and religious solemnity like in other countries of the world, with the joy of being a Muslim and gratitude to the Prophet as a Muhammadan in the Ummah. On this occasion, President Md. Sahabuddin and chief advisor Dr. Muhammad Yunus gave a separate message. Today is a public holiday in Bangladesh.

On the occasion of Eid Miladunnabi (pbuh) this morning, processions and rallies of Eid Miladunnabi (pbuh) have been organized in various cities of the country including the capital. Islamic Foundation has organized various religious programs for 15 days on this occasion. Various political, religious and social organizations are holding various programs on this occasion including Korankhani, Fateha reading, Milad and Doa Mahfil.

Devout Muslims will observe the day by reciting Quran Sharif, reciting Hadith Sharif, Nafal Namaz, Ibadat Bandegi and visiting graves. President said in the speech. Sahabuddin said, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was a rock solid on the question of truth and justice; But he was as simple as water in forgiveness and kindness. His every word and deed is an example for mankind to emulate and follow.

This is why his life is called 'Uswatun Hasanah' in the Holy Qur'an which means the most beautiful example. In his speech, he called upon Almighty Allah to work for the welfare of the country, nation and humanity by following the noble ideals of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Dr. chief adviser in the speech. Muhammad Yunus said, Almighty Allah has sent Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as 'Rahmatulil Alamin' i.e. the mercy of the whole world for the guidance and salvation of the world.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) in every aspect of human life; In every role he has left innumerable beautiful teachings and ideals for world humanity; Which will guide the people of every age and century as the direction of liberation. As a mercy to the world, Almighty Allah sent Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) to the world. For this reason, he is called 'Rahmatullah Alamin'.

World Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) came with the great message of Tawheed. At that time, Arab society was paganism, quarrels and fights on the pretext of violence, women had no rights, if they had a daughter, they were killed as a curse. That period has been marked in history as 'Ayame Jahlia Yuga'. In that dark time the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came like a light.

Since his childhood, he became respected by all of the Arab society for his great qualities such as truthfulness, justice, prudence, incomparable character traits, immense kindness tolerance, compassion. Arab society honored him with the title of 'Al-Amin' before his prophethood. He attained Ohi at the age of 40, immersed in deep meditation in a cave on Mount Hera.

After that, he preached Islam, the religion of peace and the message of the Holy Qur'an, through hard work, devotion and unlimited sacrifice for 23 years at the behest of the Most Merciful Allah. He is anointed as the greatest human being of all time for his infinite and incomparable loyalty and love to Allah as well as for his great human qualities.

A 15-day program has been organized by the Islamic Foundation on the occasion of the celebration of Miladunnabi (PBUH) on the holy Eid. Advisor to the Ministry of Religious Affairs AFM Khalid Hossain inaugurated the program as the chief guest at the east gate of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque yesterday after Maghrib.

Programs include Waj, Milad and Dua Mahfil, Seminars, Islamic Cultural Competition, Arabic Khutba Writing Competition, Kirat Mahfil, Hamd-Naat, Poetry Recitation Mahfil, Islamic Calligraphy Exhibition, Islamic Book Fair, Special Memorabilia and Publications.

On this occasion, various programs have been organized in all divisional and district offices of Islamic Foundation, 54 Islamic missions and eight Imam training academies.

On the occasion of Eid Miladunnabi, 5 thousand people are cooking in DU

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