How to recognize a true friend
September 16, 20242 Mins Read
Social media these days creates an illusion of friendship, which seems perfect. But this kind of 'reel' friendship is very different from real friendship. Understanding the true meaning of friendship is very important for teenagers and young adults to develop strong social relationships. So it is important to understand who are your real friends. How do you understand? Let's know the details-
true friend
Emotional support
A true friend will always support you physically and emotionally, no matter how tough the situation. A social media friend can feel off by reacting or commenting on your post. But it is better not to expect emotional support from him. Saying nice things on social media may not mean that he is a good friend in reality.
actual effort
A friend who will make a sincere effort to be with you and make time for you, no matter how hard it is. But in most cases a social media friend is looking for personal benefits and will choose to hang out with you only when bored.
Don't judge
You can talk to a true friend by exposing your vulnerable side without fear of judgement. You trust him completely and know that he will support you even in your difficult times. Social media friends, meanwhile, won't give you that sense of comfort. That is why you will be hesitant to talk to them much.
There will be no jealousy
Friends on social media will often get jealous and try to be competitive. Your success may make them jealous while your true friend will be by your side to celebrate your victory.
True friendship means being by your side in all situations. Equal sharer of happiness and sorrow. Being able to speak your mind openly is the most beautiful aspect of friendship. This trust is what makes the relationship last. But seasonal friendships change with convenience and personal motives.
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pure love
No matter what, true friends will love you unconditionally and they never judge you. Friends who stay for a season are only conditionally attached. They desire some gain in most relationships.