A UN fact-finding team is coming for a month

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Jumbangla Desk: The United Nations fact-finding team is coming to investigate how brutally the previous Awami League government tried to suppress the student movement. The fact-finding team will initially investigate for a month. Can stay for a few more days if necessary.

A UN fact-finding team is coming for a month
September 16, 20242 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: The United Nations fact-finding team is coming to investigate how brutally the previous Awami League government tried to suppress the student movement. The fact-finding team will initially investigate for a month. Can stay for a few more days if necessary.

Two members of the eight-member fact-finding team are coming to Dhaka on Monday (September 16) . Three more members will arrive in Dhaka on Tuesday (September 17). The investigation will be officially started on Tuesday itself. Other members of the fact-finding team will also come to Dhaka in the next few days.

The fact-finding team will investigate 15 human rights violations, including the extrajudicial killings that took place in Bangladesh last July and early August.

They will visit the eight divisional cities of the country and collect various types of data besides taking the testimony of victims of violence, relatives of victims and eyewitnesses.

The inquiry report is likely to be submitted to the interim government by the last week of November.

At least 650 Bangladeshis lost their lives in the protests and subsequent violence from July 16 to August 11. The report titled 'Preliminary analysis of recent protests and unrest in Bangladesh' was published in Geneva on August 15.

It is known that the allegations of involvement of state agencies and private parties in the investigation of atrocities will be taken into consideration. The investigation took into account 15 types of human rights violations. These include crimes against humanity, extrajudicial killings by security forces, killings and torture by political and private parties, excessive use of force in the name of maintaining public order, forced detention and arrest, disappearances, disconnection of internet connection, damage to public and private property, etc.

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