Know the benefits of WhatsApp group call links

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WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. The app owned by Meta brings daily new updates for the convenience of users.

Know the benefits of WhatsApp group call links
September 17, 20241 Min Read

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. The app owned by Meta brings daily new updates for the convenience of users.

Call to WhatsApp group

Now WhatsApp is working with a new feature. Where call links can be created between groups. Plans to bring call link sharing feature only in group chats.

According to the Webinfo report, the option to create a call link will be available along with the options to attach images or documents to the group. WhatsApp has taken this decision to improve the user experience.

Benefits of WhatsApp Call Link –
1. Group members will benefit greatly if this feature comes. Because automatically the incoming calls to the group will not ring on the phones of all the group members. As a result, you can join the call at your own convenience.

2. Once the link is shared, users can quickly send it to group chats. Other members can tap to join. This will no longer require group-wide ring notifications.


3. This feature is further improved due to new updates. This allows users to create and share direct links within group conversations. As a result users will get great benefits.

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