How to start Mindfulness Meditation for Emotional Awareness?

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Meditation is a way to train the mind. Meditation can create new and positive perspectives. It is seen that our mind starts thinking about many things together. Meditation creates the habit of focusing on one thing. Such as paying attention to breathing or physical sensations. It will incr

How to start Mindfulness Meditation for Emotional Awareness?
September 17, 2024Updated:September 17, 20243 Mins Read
Meditation is a way to train the mind. Meditation can create new and positive perspectives. It is seen that our mind starts thinking about many things together. Meditation creates the habit of focusing on one thing. Such as paying attention to breathing or physical sensations. It will increase your thinking power, you can learn faster and you can remember easily. Research shows that meditation is very effective in calming the mind, preventing disease or healing.


Types of meditation

There can be different types of meditation. Notable among these is 'Mindfulness Meditation'. Many times we carry past events in the present. Past hurts or mistakes affect the present. Mindfulness meditation helps focus on the present. Apart from this, there are different types of meditation including Imaginary, Spiritual Movement.

how to do

It is difficult for beginners to meditate continuously for long periods of time at first. So one can start small without going to advanced level first. It requires consistent practice to get results. There are many who hesitate for a few days, whether it is really going well or not. But there is no such thing as perfect meditation. Everyone's experience may be different. What is needed most is consistency.

The best time to meditate is early in the morning, when your mind is calm. Besides, the surrounding environment is also calm. Also, depending on the type of meditation you do, you can practice meditation at any time of the day.

Many people try to meditate when they are very stressed or very angry. But it is difficult to maintain concentration at that time, if you are not well versed in meditation. So in the beginning it is necessary to start the practice with calm mind and calm environment. But if meditation is done through a trainer or guru, the results can be obtained quickly.

Breathing meditation

Let me mention breathing meditation as a small example for those who want to start afresh. Practice for a few minutes first and then gradually increase the time.

Sit in a comfortable place and close your eyes and focus only on your breathing. Breathing in and out naturally and noticing where the breath is coming from. Is it coming from your chest or throat or your nose? In the meantime, notice that your attention may be diverting elsewhere. If the attention goes elsewhere, slowly bring it back to the breath. After meditating like this for a while, take a long breath and relax your body and open your eyes.

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Some more ways

You can meditate by listening to the entire process on the guided meditation track. A lot of meditation-friendly music, guided meditation tracks can be found on the internet. Books on meditation are available in the market. Headspace, Quantum Method, Chopra Centered Lifestyle etc. websites can also be visited. You can download meditation apps like Mindbody Connect, Headspace, Ombhana, Smiling Mind. And if you can't understand it alone, you can learn from an expert.

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