Allegations of setting fire to washing factory in Tongir

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Own reporter, Gazipur: Abedin Washing Plant Ltd. in Tongi Bisik area of ​​Gazipur metropolis. A terrible fire has occurred in a factory named. On receiving information, Tongir fire service personnel reached the spot and tried to control the fire. But by that time goods worth several cr

Allegations of setting fire to washing factory in Tongir
September 17, 20241 Min Read
Own reporter, Gazipur: Abedin Washing Plant Ltd. in Tongi Bisik area of ​​Gazipur metropolis. A terrible fire has occurred in a factory named. On receiving information, Tongir fire service personnel reached the spot and tried to control the fire. But by that time goods worth several crores of rupees were destroyed.

Allegations of setting fire to washing factory in Tongir

However, the owner of the factory, Kanija Rahman, complained that the fire incident was an accident. But since the factory was closed, there could not have been a fire incident in the factory. Maybe someone set the fire and ran away. However, I do not understand who caused the fire. The amount of damage in this incident will be more than 2 crore rupees.

Eyewitnesses said that the fire broke out around 10:30 pm on Monday (16 September). In a moment, the fire spread around. Seeing the factory fire, the locals called the Tongi Fire Service. Later, three units of Tongir Fire Service reached the spot and brought the fire under control around 1 am.

In this regard, the senior station officer of the fire service, Abu Md. Sajedul Kabir Joarddar said that after receiving information about the incident, 3 units reached the spot and tried to control the fire for about three hours.

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