These 10 quotes of Stephen Hawking can change your life
September 17, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Stephen Hawking, the world's most respected and well-known scientist, has died at the age of 76 after battling motor neuron disease for a long time. He was a man with a good sense of humor, a popular ambassador of science and always ensured that his work was easily understood by the general public.
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking has some quotes that will restore your vitality. But without further delay let's know about those quotes.
1. Life is a force that teaches you to accept change.
2. I haven't grown up yet. I still keep asking questions.
3. If someone says you've made a mistake, tell them, make mistakes. Neither you nor I will survive unless I make a mistake.
4. People are most successful by talking. This conversation is also the cause of human failure. But the conversation should continue.
5. For the past 49 years, there have been many speculations about my death. So I'm not afraid to die anymore. But I have a lot of work to do before I die.
6. People who believe in the future always look both ways while crossing the road.
7. Don't look at the ground, look at the sky. keep working Because work is what makes life relevant. And if you find love in your life, never throw it away.
8. Those who brag about intelligence are actually losers.
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9. Anger is the greatest enemy of man. This rage can destroy civilization.
10. Your physical handicap can never be a hindrance to good work. Never regret physical limitations. Worse is the lack of motivation to work.