Why viral '10 unknown facts about BMW' on Facebook

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Science and Technology Desk: Currently, when scrolling through Facebook, posts titled '10 unknown facts about #BMW' are visible.

Why viral '10 unknown facts about BMW' on Facebook
September 17, 20243 Mins Read

Science and Technology Desk: Currently, when scrolling through Facebook, posts titled '10 unknown facts about #BMW' are visible.


Currently, if you scroll through Facebook, you will see posts titled '10 unknown facts about #BMW'. It also appears that someone is giving a detailed caption of '10 unknown facts about bmw' along with his photo. This hashtag is also seen in posts that have nothing to do with BMW.

Car enthusiasts may rave about BMW, but all such posts have nothing to do with 'BMW cars' in the caption.

The question arises - why has it become so popular all of a sudden?

Looking at this post, you might think it's just a fad. But there are some reasons behind this. Let's know the details-

Basically, this trend is being promoted by top car manufacturing companies. In a word - marketing without cost!

First of all, these posts are written in 'Listicle' format, which is very popular on social media. The reason? Lists are short, quick to read, and people don't like to read long posts on social media anymore.

Everyone loves to read a list of some unknown facts about a big brand like BMW, and there is quite a bit of fun in these little posts.

The '10 Unknown Facts' format is very easily shareable and this type of content performs well in social media algorithms. In this way it is easy to spread or receive any content on social platforms.

Facebook Algorithms
Facebook always gives more importance to posts that get a lot of likes, comments or shares. From a marketing perspective, this type of content is more likely to engage people. Social media algorithms often favor posts with high interaction rates (likes, shares and comments).

people always want to know about unknown information. Especially about a popular brand like BMW, which further increases their interest.

Free media for marketing
This trend allows BMW to do marketing without spending any money, increasing brand equity and spreading their presence globally.

This trend is also serving as a marketing tool for BMW, which is considered a powerful strategy to promote the brand.

Maximizing Social Media Trends for Marketing Gain
The 'Ten Unknown Facts About BMW' trend is an example of how social media trends can be leveraged for market gain. However, such trends often develop spontaneously and brands can actively participate in them. They can increase the sales of their products by creating products that fit the trending format. This strategy is cost-effective, effective and amplifies brand messaging without any marketing costs.


This trick of the algorithm isn't just common Facebook users doing. Various organizations and institutions are also using this method. Especially in marketing or marketing. Increasing publicity using these trending tags is one of the tools of social media marketing.

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