Why are left-handed people ahead?

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Lifestyle Desk: When the word right hand or right is associated with positive ideas, people start seeing the left side as negative or wrong. Those who write with left hand in childhood were told that writing with left hand is not right. Then they were asked to write with their right hand.

Why are left-handed people ahead?
September 18, 20242 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: When the word right hand or right is associated with positive ideas, people start seeing the left side as negative or wrong. Those who write with left hand in childhood were told that writing with left hand is not right. Then they were asked to write with their right hand. But talent is something that cannot be suppressed easily.


Nowadays, left-handed writing is considered a special quality.

Several presidents like former US President Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were left-handed. In the art world, geniuses like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci also created 'Sistine Chapel' and 'Mona Lisa' with left hand. Billionaire Bill Gates and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are also left-handed.

People who write, eat, or do other things with their left hand usually have a different perspective. The right side of the brain is involved in creative work, and intellectual and imaginative abilities are expressed differently in left-handers. Studies have shown that both sides of the brain are active in left-handed people. As a result, they can perceive information faster than right-handed people.

British royals Prince William, former Prime Minister David Cameron and Winston Churchill were also left-handed. The current generation of stars like Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey are also left-handed. Scientist Einstein and philosopher Aristotle are also on this list.

People in countries where it is considered rude to eat with the left hand, left-handed people have to face some problems. In Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Indonesia and Middle Eastern countries, it is considered impolite to eat or receive something with the left hand.

About 10 percent of the world's population is left-handed. There are also some interesting facts about them.

Left-handed drivers are more successful than right-handed drivers at driving. For example, while 47 percent of right-handed drivers pass their first-time driving test, 57 percent of left-handed drivers do. Left-handers can typically type faster, are able to multitask, have more self-control, and earn relatively more.

Left Handers Club
celebrated 'Left-Handed Day' in 1976 by DR Campbell to highlight left-handed people. He is also the founder of Left Handers Club. In 1992, the day was celebrated on a grand scale at the initiative of this club. The main objective of this day was to raise awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of left-handers in a right-handed world. Today, while celebrating the uniqueness and specialness of left-handed people, awareness is raised about the challenges they face on a daily basis.

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