How to Strengthen LinkedIn Profile for Job Seekers

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A few days ago, LinkedIn has undergone major changes. LinkedIn is now more user friendly than ever. Also, a viewer can first see your profile and understand that some new measures have been taken about you. How can you make this modified LinkedIn profile more attractive?

How to Strengthen LinkedIn Profile for Job Seekers
September 17, 20242 Mins Read
A few days ago, LinkedIn has undergone major changes. LinkedIn is now more user friendly than ever. Also, a viewer can first see your profile and understand that some new measures have been taken about you. How can you make this modified LinkedIn profile more attractive?

LinkedIn profile
1. Provide strong profile picture and background picture on LinkedIn so that a viewer is easily attracted to your profile and visit.

2. Next, where you write your intro, write those two lines in such a way that people's interest grows; For later profile visits.

3. The summary part is very important. Because from this part you will understand everything. LinkedIn now shows the first two lines of the summary. Then click on 'See More' to show the rest. So in these first two lines you need to create attraction so that he checks the whole profile.

4. Suppose you have worked in four companies this time; But LinkedIn will only focus on one of your companies. That is the last company where you are currently working. Therefore, in this company, you should clearly write your work and your achievements.

5. For the latter companies, LinkedIn only shows three things: name, surname and tenure. To see the whole, the viewer has to click on 'See Description'. In this case you can add any presentation, video, picture etc. to LinkedIn to showcase your achievements in each company. Adding these will make your viewers more attracted to you.

6. Now provide your academic background and volunteer experiences. Remember, don't leave any options blank when creating a LinkedIn profile. By filling out each option, LinkedIn will make your profile all star, which will increase your profile views by 40x.

7. Then people will see your endorsements and recommendations. They will get an idea about you from how many people have recommended you, what is their profile, why they recommended you.

8. Your articles, your training, short courses used to show details on LinkedIn, now they don't show details anymore, now it only shows the total number of publications, the total number of trainings, then anyone can click to see the details.

Redesign your LinkedIn profile today with these things in mind. As a sample profile you can view my profile as Niaz Ahmed, increase LinkedIn viewer.

How to view locked profile on Facebook

Remember, to impress others you have to express yourself. There is no alternative. In this case you can also take help of professional writers.

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