Damages caused to the body due to lack of vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin that is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Its deficiency can cause physical and emotional symptoms that can affect your daily life. Despite its importance, many people don't realize how easy it is t

Damages caused to the body due to lack of vitamin B12
September 18, 20242 Mins Read

Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin that is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Its deficiency can cause physical and emotional symptoms that can affect your daily life. Despite its importance, many people don't realize how easy it is to become deficient in this vitamin, especially if your diet lacks animal products. How do you know if this nutrient is deficient? Know the 4 signs-

Lack of vitamin B12

1. Feeling tired all the time

One of the most common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is feeling constantly tired. Because then your body doesn't make enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to your organs, which leads to constant fatigue. Even after a good night's sleep, you may feel tired throughout the day. Be careful if this happens. It may be a symptom of vitamin deficiency.

2. Tingling hands and feet

A lack of vitamin B12 in the body can cause a tingling sensation in the hands and feet. Because this nutrient deficiency can damage the protective sheath that covers the nerves. According to a 2019 study published in the journal Diabetes, diabetics who take metformin have a higher risk of experiencing this tingling sensation.

3. pale skin

Another symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is pale and slightly yellow skin, which can look like jaundice. According to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, when B12 levels are low, the body struggles to make healthy red blood cells, leading to anemia and pale skin.


4. Depression and mood swings

A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause an increase in sulfur-containing amino acids in your body, which in turn increases depression. So, if your mood gets even a little off, it could be due to lack of vitamin B12 in the body.

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