Five occupations that are in increasing demand

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Lifestyle Desk: The job market in the world is changing faster than ever and many of the current jobs will soon disappear.

Five occupations that are in increasing demand
September 18, 20247 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: The job market in the world is changing faster than ever and many of the current jobs will soon disappear.


A recent study by the World Economic Forum revealed two main reasons behind this change.

Two reasons are the emergence of new technologies or automation and the move towards a green and sustainable economy.

Rapid advances in new technologies such as big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence are expected to bring radical changes to the labor market.

The good news is that new technology will help overall economic growth. On the one hand, as many employment sectors will be created, many employments will also be destroyed.

After all, when an organization can achieve more with fewer employees, it naturally expands more.

Researchers at the World Economic Forum say the current job market will change by about a quarter over the next five years.

So to succeed in an increasingly competitive job market there is no substitute for upskilling by constantly learning new skills.

Core Skills

Technical knowledge is one of the key skills that must be acquired to survive in the competitive new job market.

This does not mean that everyone needs to know a programming language or understand the ins and outs of machine learning.

But demand for 'STEM' jobs is expected to increase in future.

The four letters of the English alphabet S, T, E, M – i.e. 'STEM' in full means Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The term stem is originally used to refer collectively to these four distinct but technically related branches.

So if you're wondering what subjects your child should focus on in school, the answer would be: Math, Computer Science, and Natural Sciences.

Natural Sciences will include Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Oceanography, Astronomy, Geography, Geology.

In a word, the branch of science related to the physical world is Natural Sciences.

The next thing to focus on mastering is Analytical Thinking.

To develop analytical thinking, you need to hone your cognitive skills.

As if your mind and thinking can notice different patterns or different interpretations of a subject.

Various events or themes can be connected to each other and a conclusion can be reached where emotions or personal preferences have no influence.

In this way, one's ability to acquire knowledge should be refined.

Achieving this ability requires developing the habit of maintaining focus and concentration on a single subject. For this the mind needs to be trained.

Because these days various gadgets, social media, online games and advertisements make it a big challenge to hold our attention.

Because if we don't connect with these things, we feel the fear of missing out. What many call 'fear of missing out'.

Analytical skills include being curious and constantly self-educating.

In order to continuously improve and learn in this way, you must master maintaining focus on a specific goal.

Besides, creativity is also very important. In science, engineering, design or art, a person who can combine creativity with technical skills has a better chance of promotion.

Communication and empathy are two highly valued skills in this age of artificial intelligence.

No matter how fast machines develop, people will always need other people, and the value of human attention to people, working together, listening, talking, being there and empathizing will continue to increase day by day.

According to a LinkedIn report released in 2020, communication has already become the most in-demand skill in today's job market.

"With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in the workplace, the remote workforce, and the advancement of technology, we are able to connect people around the world."

"Nothing has ever been more important than being able to talk to or listen to so many people and make connections," says talent and workplace networking expert Dan Negroni.

1. New technology

It is no wonder that information technology and new technologies are one of the most promising sectors in the near future.

Along with the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning skills will create many interesting opportunities.

One of the most promising careers in this regard is prompt engineering. They are basically communication experts who do this communication with the help of artificial intelligence models.

They help formulate customer requests accurately and act as a kind of intermediary between artificial intelligence and humans.

Other possible AI-related jobs include ethicists, security engineers, and developers who create user-friendly interfaces to connect humans and machines.

In general, when it comes to artificial intelligence, people in various professions are advised to see this technology not as a competitor, but as a partner.

And trying to figure out how to keep up with this new technology.

Another area of ​​potential is the analysis of big data.

From online platforms such as Netflix to large scale data analysis such as Hadron Collider or control systems, it is essential to acquire the skills to analyze large volumes of data.

There will certainly be no shortage of work for cyber security experts, as the rate of sensitive information will continue to rise. The need for security will also increase for that.

For this reason financial technology experts, business analysts and blockchain system developers will also be needed.

2. 'Green' jobs

According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023, demand for 'green' jobs is growing rapidly across all sectors and industries.

According to the report, “The green transition could create 30 million jobs globally by 2030. And these jobs will be created in the three sectors of renewable energy, more production using less energy and low emission technologies.”

Western countries and Japan are currently leading the way in new job opportunities in green energy and sustainable development. Of course, China is also moving forward.

These tasks may be related to business, science, politics or directly to the environment.

They can mainly work in that profession to use renewable energy or find new sources of energy and develop batteries, save endangered biodiversity, give business advice.

For example, they can provide legal aid, deal with legislation and bring about changes in environmental protection laws.

Also, smart home planners, architects, designers and builders will be needed in the coming days.

3. Health professionals

As the average life expectancy of people in the world increases, so does the rate of aging population.

The care and medical needs of these elderly people will continue to increase.

Therefore, healthcare professionals will be in high demand in the near future.

In particular, the need for healthcare professionals who have the skills to provide not only medication but also moral support to patients will increase.

Physicians and healthcare professionals must continually learn.

They have to adapt to new methods of diagnosis or health examination and newly developed methods of treatment. Artificial intelligence can also help in this.

There will also be job openings for psychiatrists or psychotherapists and personal development mentors or various personal development counselors or spiritual practice coaches.

4. 'Manual' work

In the coming years, the need for professionals in manual jobs such as mechanics, repairmen, electricians or builders will increase.

There are some small specific tasks that are quite necessary in different situations. In this case, people have no choice.

But to always stay ahead and in demand, these experts need to constantly improve their technical knowledge and master new smart tools.

Demand for new occupations in agriculture is also expected to increase. The world population is growing and everyone needs food to survive.

Still if a comparison is made between farmers and engineers then it must be said that skilled engineers will be more in demand than farmers.

All those jobs are in crisis

There are many jobs that will soon begin to disappear from the labor market. These are basically all these tasks which can now be done automatically with the help of technology.

Below is a list of possible jobs that may soon disappear from the labor market:

Customer service (cashiers, salespeople, consultants, etc.).

Office management (due to increased remote work).

Data entry (statisticians, financial professionals, typists, technical translators).


Factory workers who perform repetitive tasks.

5. story telling

Another profession, which is rarely mentioned, but which will undoubtedly increase the need for these professionals in the future, is the storyteller.

Just as these storytellers were needed thousands of years ago, any creative work related to the human experience will continue to be essential.

We will continue to need writers, poets, directors, actors, comedians, artists and musicians.

Even as artificial intelligence creates new challenges in the sector, the need for these professionals will not diminish.

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