Easy Recipe and Health Benefits of Shapla Danta Chachadi

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The national flower of our country can be seen during the rainy season. At that time, Shapla peeped in the bill and Jheel of the villages. The beauty of Shapla in the water fascinates everyone. This flower, the national flower of Bangladesh, is not only beautiful to look at, but the stem o

Easy Recipe and Health Benefits of Shapla Danta Chachadi
September 19, 20243 Mins Read
The national flower of our country can be seen during the rainy season. At that time, Shapla peeped in the bill and Jheel of the villages. The beauty of Shapla in the water fascinates everyone. This flower, the national flower of Bangladesh, is not only beautiful to look at, but the stem of this flower has been used as a vegetable for a long time. Again, the long stalks of Shapla flowers are taken out of the water and eaten as vegetables. The stalks of this plant are also available in the market.

Shapla stalks of chachdri

The readily available Shapla stalks are very beneficial for health. Every 100 grams of Shapla lata contains 1.3 grams of minerals, 1.1 grams of fiber, 3.1 grams of calories and protein, 31.7 grams of sugar, 76 milligrams of calcium. Apart from this, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B7, phosphorus are also found in Shapla stalks. It is said that betel leaves have seven times more calcium than potatoes. It is also very easy to cook, and takes very little time. Let's know the health benefits of Shapla stem and easy recipe for cooking Shapla stem chachdi.

Benefits of food ingredients in Shapla stalks—

The body needs protein for building cells, replenishing losses. Beetroot provides proteins that perform essential functions of the body.

Beetroot contains vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body fight disease.

Vitamin B1 in beetroot helps the body use carbohydrates as energy. It is essential for glucose metabolism. Nutrients in Shapla stalks keep blood sugar levels in check by keeping insulin levels stable.

Vitamin B7 or Biotin is a water soluble vitamin. It improves body metabolism and performance. This biotin, which is essential for the body, is obtained from Shapla stalks.

Shapla stalks contain a special component called flavonol glycosides. It keeps the blood circulation in the head normal and helps keep the head cool.

The ingredients of Shapla Data play an important role in nerve, muscle, heart function and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Shapla stem plays a role in protecting the liver. It keeps the liver healthy by preventing liver damage.

The skin is smooth and glowing by consuming Shapla stalks. It keeps skin cells hydrated and healthy.

Shapla stem also plays a role in maintaining the beauty of hair. Eating this vegetable regularly will make your hair vibrant and smooth.

Beets contain an enzyme called gallic acid, which helps prevent cancer.

Sufficient amount of calcium is available in Shapla stalks. Calcium has many functions including strengthening bones and teeth.

Acidity, blood dysentery, itching etc. are prevented by eating Shapla stem.

Clean the stalks of a bunch of shapla and cut it into small pieces. Then add two tablespoons of coconut batter, one tablespoon of mustard batter, three-four green chillies and salt to taste. Add half teaspoon each of turmeric and chili powder.

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If you want to increase the taste of chachadi, you can add half a cup of shrimp. Now mix all the ingredients well with two tablespoons of oil and lower the heat of the stove and put it in the oven. Water will come out from the Shapler data, so no need to add extra water. When the water is completely dry, drain and serve Shapla Dantar Chachadi with hot rice.

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