Food is the most powerful medicine?

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'Not seen with closed eyes, two feet away from the house/ A dewdrop on a grain of rice' — poet Rabindranath Tagore's lines are similar in many aspects of life. Even if the solution to the problem is very close to us, we don't look for it. As such, illness is part

Food is the most powerful medicine?
September 19, 20244 Mins Read
'Not seen with closed eyes, two feet away from the house/ A dewdrop on a grain of rice' — poet Rabindranath Tagore's lines are similar in many aspects of life. Even if the solution to the problem is very close to us, we don't look for it. As such, illness is part of life. Most people rely on medicine to heal. But the system of curing disease is made in nature. What, the matter seems complicated? Let's discuss in detail-


Food is essential for survival. Because people get energy from food. This food contains the cure mantra. Natural foods protect the human body from various diseases. Gives assurance of disease free healthy life. That is, food is medicine and medicine is food. This idea of ​​using food as medicine is not new, but quite old.

Two and a half thousand years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates said, 'Let food be medicine'. However, over time the source of this quote has been questioned. However, people still agree that there is no alternative to healthy natural foods to stay healthy. A healthy lifestyle with good food and nutrients is essential to maintain good health and prevent disease.

The most powerful medicine 'Food'
The most powerful medicine in the world is food. What you eat can be stronger than any medicine in the medicine box. When a person takes food as medicine, foods find the root imbalance of illness and condition. Find out how to get rid of that ailment naturally.

Why natural food is beneficial for health?
We get food from various sources of nature. This nature is constantly providing us with abundant fruits, grains, vegetables, fish, meat and dairy products. They are all made up of natural ingredients and nutrients. These foods not only satisfy stomach hunger but also provide health benefits. For example, tomatoes contain an effective food ingredient called lycopene. It protects the body from inflammatory diseases. Marine fish and flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids. which provides protection against heart disease and helps control dangerous cholesterol levels.

Turmeric has inflammatory properties. It acts like an antibiotic to protect the stomach and prevent internal inflammation. The curcumin contained in it plays an effective role in preventing heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even deadly cancer. Piperine in pepper is a bio-active ingredient that works to regulate insulin.

But can only be healthy if you take natural food?
no The benefits of the food you eat will depend on how naturally it was grown and how you eat it. According to nutritionists, eating the food directly is more beneficial than eating a food made from natural food. Especially the fruit. For example, whole apples are more beneficial for the body than consuming apple jam, jelly or juice.

Try to use more herbs and spices in cooking. According to research, ginger relieves nausea, oregano can inactivate bacteria. Turmeric can boost immunity. So try to keep beneficial spices in your food.

Mainly put functional food in the diet. Foods that contain bio-active ingredients are called functional foods. These foods play an important role in increasing the various functions of our body and reducing the risk of certain diseases. Some of the known functional foods are- turmeric, ginger, black cumin, carrot, cashew nut, honey, pepper, cinnamon, etc.

Along with these, you should drink enough water every day. Because if the body is hydrated, it can stay away from many diseases. It also helps flush out toxins from the body.

'Formulated functional food', a nutritionally modified form of food,
works like a food drug when the right ingredients and the right amount are consumed. It is difficult to get natural food in this era of adulteration. Most of the people do not know how much of which ingredient to eat. A simple solution in this case is formulated functional food. When the nutritional properties of various functional foods are formulated in a recognized manner and converted into capsules, tablets or liquid syrup, it is called formulated functional food. In this process, only the amount of nutrients required for any physical problem is used.

Organic Nutrition Limited is the first to market organic formulated food in Bangladesh. All of their products marketed under the brand name Curcuma use organic ingredients. USDA Organic Certified products include Turmeric Immune Booster, Superfood, Healthy Gut, Joint Care etc. These formulated functional foods work to increase the function of the body's immune system, solve women's period problems, maintain normal bowel function, maintain normal joint function, etc.

The benefits of eating yogurt every day

What medicine is useless?
The answer to this question is no. Many people say that if food is medicine then there is no need to take medicine separately. This idea is wrong. A proper natural diet will keep you away from various diseases. But still if you are suffering from any disease then definitely consult a doctor and take the right medicine. Food or formulated food is the pre-preparation and post-treatment of disease. On the other hand, medicine is a means of curing diseases.

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