How to boost your immune system in winter?

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When winter sets in, almost everyone has a cold or fever at this time. The internal immunity of the body can save us from these. Vitamin C is one of the components of immunity. This vitamin is needed to brighten the skin, prevent colds and coughs, and increase the immune system.

How to boost your immune system in winter?
September 18, 20242 Mins Read
When winter sets in, almost everyone has a cold or fever at this time. The internal immunity of the body can save us from these. Vitamin C is one of the components of immunity. This vitamin is needed to brighten the skin, prevent colds and coughs, and increase the immune system.

immune system

This vitamin is abundant in several seasonal fruits and vegetables of winter. Therefore, these foods can be kept in the diet to increase immunity and keep oneself healthy at this time.


Winter means oranges. From picnics to school sports – many childhood stories conjure up multiple memories of eating oranges in winter. This seasonal fruit contains 128 percent vitamin C. Which helps to fight various diseases by increasing immunity during this time.


Although not a sour fruit, guava contains a lot of vitamin C. Apart from boosting immunity, this fruit also helps in controlling diabetes.

Kiwi fruit

Many people say that the combination of kiwi fruit is great for increasing immunity. This fruit also contains a lot of vitamin C. Contains vitamin K, vitamin E and fiber. So this fruit can be kept in the diet to avoid many diseases in winter.


This winter vegetable reaches many homes these days. Broccoli can be used in almost all western dishes, be it salad or any other dish. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C, along with fiber. Which relieves multiple problems including stomach problems, digestive problems and increases immunity.


Whether eaten raw or cooked, this winter vegetable has many benefits. It contains vitamin C along with vitamin A.

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