It is necessary to understand the child's mind at puberty, how will the parents handle them?

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Lifestyle Desk: Puberty and emotional changes come suddenly in life. Many children struggle to cope with the shock of change. At this time, the parents also became somewhat confused with their emotions and behavior. Even the parents can't keep up with the anger, this good, this bad m

It is necessary to understand the child's mind at puberty, how will the parents handle them?
September 19, 20243 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Puberty and emotional changes come suddenly in life. Many children struggle to cope with the shock of change. At this time, the parents also became somewhat confused with their emotions and behavior. Even the parents can't keep up with the anger, this good, this bad mood. What should be done at such a time, why does this happen at this age, said psychiatrist Sharmila Sarkar and psychosocial worker Mohit Randeep.


Psychiatrist Sharmila says, “Such is the period of puberty. During this time, special changes in hormones can be observed in the body of children. Which affects their mood and mind. During this time, the release of sex hormones is more. The body gradually moves towards puberty. As a result, body changes in both boys and girls. During this time there is also a change in the 'connectivity' of some neurons. As a result, it affects the psyche. Hormones also affect the brain.

According to him, mood is influenced by a hormone called serotonin. Neurohormones not working properly can also cause moodiness. Mohit says, at the time of puberty, this mind is very good, and after a while, it is boring.

What do parents do?

1. Many times the parents also get frustrated while coping with this mood change of the child. Relationships are also affected. The child may have shouted at the parents for a small reason. There is no problem if it happens once or a half, but if it continues again and again, even the parents can't think, what to do? Psychiatrist says, “Balance parenting is needed at this time. That is, the child must understand, his activities must be monitored, and he must also be given concessions. But that doesn't mean, don't care about giving your child freedom. If the child continues to grow up under such parenting from a young age, there should be no difficulty in reaching the threshold of puberty. Many times the lack of good relationship or insecurity between the parents creates additional problems in their lives.''

2. Mohit advises, if the child screams then the other party should stop. Later when the situation calms down, you can ask him if anything happened. Reassurance that parents will be there for them in any problem can make it easier for children to handle the situation as well.

3. "To understand the thoughts of the child, parents also have to put themselves in the child's place and think about it," said Sharmila. Sometimes there is a lack of understanding between the child and the parent. Parents should try to understand their children. To encourage him to speak his mind without fear.

But can children of this age really share everything with their parents? Secret crushes or strained love relationships — can parents always tell these things? Mohit says, “If it seems that the child is not doing well or maybe not talking openly with the parents, in that case a relative or a teacher, with whom he interacts more, can be requested to talk about it. The help of a councilor can also be taken if needed.”

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4. Sharmila says, "Many children at this age start telling lies. Maybe not going to school, but he doesn't know about it at home. Again, many times the tendency to become addicted is also created. Parents should try to keep abreast of where they are and what they are doing, so as not to be 'helicopter parenting' all the time. According to Sharmila, in this case, not only the child, but also the child's friends, if the parents are on good terms, a lot of news is available.

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