What to do for a good night's sleep

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Lifestyle Desk: Many people have sleep problems. They often complain of not getting enough sleep or getting enough sleep. People are quite restless for the treatment of insomnia. Many become dependent on drugs without solving the underlying problem. For this it is important to know the cau

What to do for a good night's sleep
September 20, 20242 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: Many people have sleep problems. They often complain of not getting enough sleep or getting enough sleep. People are quite restless for the treatment of insomnia. Many become dependent on drugs without solving the underlying problem. For this it is important to know the cause of insomnia.


Many common everyday things can disturb our sleep. For example, noise in the bedroom, high or low room temperature, uncomfortable bed, not following a specific sleep routine or not getting enough physical activity. If you eat too much at night, you don't want to fall asleep, and you wake up even if you are very hungry. Cigarettes, alcohol and caffeinated foods like tea, coffee can disrupt sleep. If sleep problems persist for a long time, then the matter should be looked into seriously. Because, it usually indicates something serious.

Many people take sleeping pills for sleep problems. Sleeping pills should not be taken continuously for a long time. This will make you feel tired, irritable and you won't sleep as well unless you gradually increase the amount of pills. As a result, you will become drug dependent.

What to do for good sleep

Go to bed at a certain time, get out of bed at a certain time, whether you are tired or not. Make sure the bedroom is comfortable enough. Make sure that the room is not too noisy, hot or cold.
Make sure the bed is comfortable. If the bed is too hard, it puts extra pressure on the back and shoulders. If it is too soft, the body can give more. As a result, sleep is not good.
Do physical work and exercise every day.
Reduce drinking tea or coffee, alcohol. Do not drink tea or coffee especially after afternoon. At this time you can eat dairy drinks.
Take food on the first night itself. Do not overeat at night.
Be in a relaxed mood for some time before going to sleep. Read light books.
If you don't sleep, 'Why can't you sleep' – don't lie down and think about it. Rather get up, do what you love to do. Read a book, watch TV or listen to light music. After a while, when you feel tired enough to fall asleep, go to bed.

Dr. Shahidul Islam
Author: Psychiatrist.

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