Maths: How to answer the question before you know it

There are many fun games in math. You can tell the magic of mathematics. But nothing happens by magic. It's all a game of science. And sleight of hand. But there is no use of sleight of hand in mathematical magic. The magic has to be made with the head. This discussion is about such

Maths: How to answer the question before you know it
September 21, 20243 Mins Read
There are many fun games in math. You can tell the magic of mathematics. But nothing happens by magic. It's all a game of science. And sleight of hand. But there is no use of sleight of hand in mathematical magic. The magic has to be made with the head. This discussion is about such a magic. All you need is a notebook and a pen. If you want to see the magic quickly, you can also use the calculator.


Since the title of this post is 'How to answer the question before you know it', let's write the answer at the beginning. The answer is 2545767. I told you the secret answer. You should write down this answer at the beginning, but do not show it to anyone.

The answer is written. Now I will write a number of 6 digits on the paper. Suppose I write the number: 345769. Now it's your turn. You will write a number of 6 digits. When you show this magic, you will be in my place. Then tell the audience to write a 6-digit number. Now I will show you the magic. So you are my audience here. Later you will occupy my place and show magic.

However, assuming you entered the number 762014. Write your number right below my number. Reasons, to be added later. Once your number is written I will write another 6 digit number, right below your number. Suppose I write the number: 185637. Just below that I will write another 6 digit number. I wrote: 914362. Now you have one more job left. The numbers that I wrote down on paper so far, just need to be added.

Look, your sum is 2545767 or not? What, wondering? Thinking, how did I know the written answer? No no, I don't know the technique of telepathy. I don't know in advance what you will write. However, seeing what he wrote, I made the answer as my own. How did you make it? Let's teach that trick.

At the beginning imagine a number of 6 digits. Write the answer depending on that number. I wrote the first number 345769. Now based on this number the answer has to be made. There are two small tasks to be done for this. 22 should be added to the first digit of the number. The first digit of our number was 3. If you add 22 to this, 3 + 22 = 25. Then write down the remaining digits except the last digit. That is 254576. And subtract 2 from the last number. That is 9 – 2 = 7. Then our answer will be: 2545767.

Now ask your friend to write a 6 digit number. Here as I first wrote 345769. Then I assumed, you wrote 762014. Then I did a calculation and wrote down my next number. You did not know that calculation.

That is, the number you write, I have subtracted that number from 1099999. Then 1099999 – 762014 = 337985. I wrote this minus. Then again you enter a number. It was 185637. I again subtracted 185637 from 1099999 and wrote 914362. Yes, I got 5 numbers. Now add them. You will see that the sum will be 2545767.

The question is, why does this strategy work? If you notice, if you add the number written by you and the number written by me, the number is always 1099999. For example, 762014 + 337985 = 1099999 or 185637 + 914362 = 1099999. So, we know 1099999 + 1099999 = 2199998. That is 2200000 – 2 = 2199998. That is why we subtracted 2 from the last digit and added 22 to the first digit while writing the answer at the beginning.

Monir Hosain

1000 Blog posts
