What if we lived on a flat earth?

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We all know that the world is round. However, the word 'goal' is not entirely correct. So in textbooks it was written like this - the earth is round, but squeezed on both sides like an orange. That's pretty much it. The idea that the earth is round is not today. Today it

What if we lived on a flat earth?
September 21, 20244 Mins Read
We all know that the world is round. However, the word 'goal' is not entirely correct. So in textbooks it was written like this - the earth is round, but squeezed on both sides like an orange. That's pretty much it. The idea that the earth is round is not today. Today it is scientifically proven. But the beginning of this idea is long ago. A learned scholar in the Ionian civilization from 610 to 546 BC.

flat earth

This civilization developed in the Ionian region of ancient Greece. He lived there in a city called Miletus. His name is Anaximander. Like many scholars of that time, he was essentially a philosopher. Although his line of thought has turned to various subjects including astronomy, cosmology or cosmology. The man predates Socrates. It was then that he came out of the 'flat earth' concept. According to him, the earth is cylindrical in shape; It hangs in the void, and the moon-sun-planets-stars all revolve around it.

Earlier people thought, The world is on the back of a giant. This is a limitless imagination. Absurd, needless to say. From there, Anaximander brought people's thoughts forward. Then around the 5th century BC, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras proposed that the earth is round. Greek philosopher Eratosthenes around 240 BC He measured the circumference of the earth।

In this way, the modern scientific concept gradually developed through the contributions of Aristotle, Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and many other scientists. We know that the earth is indeed round, but slightly flattened on both sides.

However, many people still do not believe this. They want to say that the world is flat. In English it is called 'Flat Earth'. Have you ever thought, if the world was really flat, what would happen? In English this type of question is called 'what if'. I can say in Bengali, 'If it happened'.

Really, what would that world be like? Scientists have thought about it. Calculated, what kind of events could happen in a flat world. It is not possible to tell all of them in this short text. But let's go over some basics. Let's understand how the nature of the flat world would have been.

That the earth is round—or that the other planets and stars are naturally round—The main reason for this is gravity. Gravity acts uniformly towards the center. That is, gravity attracts (in simple words, pulls) everything around it towards the center. As a result, the area becomes round.

If the earth were flat, there would certainly be no such thing as gravity. Or even if it didn't work like it does now. Because, if you work in the same way, the flat earth will gradually become round.

In that case, the plain would have been the center of the earth, the place we call the North Pole today. And the shape of that earth was like a disk. So, if gravity existed, the farther from north one went, the more horizontal the pull would be. As a result, there would have been an imbalance across the world, perhaps destruction in some places. What a terrible situation, think!

Now let's assume there is no gravity. Surely you understand the meaning? There was no atmosphere on that earth. But then the sky is like today Blue could not be seen. Instead, the black, dark void of space would become visible above the earth. It seems needless to say that there was no life on the earth's surface then as it is today.

No atmosphere means, there will be no oxygen around. Water will fly into the void of space. Depending on the position of the sun, the temperature of the earth's surface will sometimes rise sharply, sometimes it will drop to zero. But deep-sea microorganisms that could survive without oxygen or photosynthesis might have survived just fine on Earth.

A funny (and sad) thing happened in that world. The night sky looked the same from all over the world. There was no one in the sky of the earth Merujyoti or Aurora. Not having this aurora is not good at all for the people of Earth. To understand the reason, you need to know a little about the inside of Merujyoti.

Earth's interior is like a magnet. This magnetism is caused by the ever moving and rotating iron inside or in the center. These magnets are called geomagnets. Due to these magnets, the magnetic field is created around the earth. This magnetic field surrounds the earth, protecting us from the attack of various particles coming from the sun.

This protects against particle attack, during which particles and high-energy rays from the sun collide with ionized oxygen-nitrogen in the atmosphere. The electrons of these atoms then jump around, which creates the play of colors in the sky. Means, polar lights. This iron did not circulate or rotate inside the flat earth; As a result, there was no magnetic field surrounding the earth. As a result, the sun's harmful rays attack, you can understand how the hell would be on the earth's surface!

You understand that the chances of human survival on that flat earth are very low. Flat earth claimants say that the earth was surrounded by the Antarctic ice wall. No one would have fallen off the earth thanks to that wall. Let's say we survived in that world.

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