Hearing the recitation of the Qur'an Sharif is a reward

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Religion Desk: The Holy Qur'an is the divine word of Almighty Allah. Just as its recitation is a reward, so listening to its recitation is also a reward. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to recite the Qur'an to the Companions and loved to listen to it with deep interest. On the aut

Hearing the recitation of the Qur'an Sharif is a reward
September 21, 20243 Mins Read

Religion Desk: The Holy Qur'an is the divine word of Almighty Allah. Just as its recitation is a reward, so listening to its recitation is also a reward. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to recite the Qur'an to the Companions and loved to listen to it with deep interest. On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA), the Messenger (PBUH) said to me, 'Recite the Qur'an to me.' I said, I will recite the Qur'an to you, while the Qur'an was revealed to you. He said, 'I like to listen to other people's recitation.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 5056) Below are some of the benefits of listening to the recitation of the Qur'an:


Allah's Mercy is Received: When the Qur'an is recited, Allah's mercy is revealed. Mercy also descends on those who listen attentively to the recitation of the Qur'an. In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah says, 'And when the Qur'an is recited, listen to it attentively and be silent, that you may have mercy.' (Surah: Araf, verse: 204)

Praise of Allah: Those who participate in the assembly of the Qur'an and recite and listen to the Qur'an with reverence, Allah Almighty praises them in the assembly of the angels. On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, 'When a community gathers in a house of Allah and recites the Book of Allah and discusses it with each other, then peace descends on them, mercy covers them, angels cover them. surrounds and Allah praises them to His angels near.' (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 1455)

Shows the way of guidance: The Holy Qur'an shows people the way of guidance. As the Qur'an soothes the human heart, it also plays an effective role in removing the crookedness of the heart. Allah Almighty says, 'Surely the Qur'an guides to the path that is best (straight, firm) and gives glad tidings to the righteous believers that there is a great reward for them.' (Sura: Children of Israel, verse: 9) In another verse it is stated, 'Allah guides those who listen attentively and then follow what is best in it, and they are the wise.' (Surah: Jumar, verse: 18)

Creates light in the heart: The Holy Qur'an cools the human heart. Creates the light of guidance in people's hearts. As a result, the servant returns from sin by repenting to Allah Almighty, which illuminates his hereafter with light. It is stated in the Holy Qur'an, 'O you who believe, repent to Allah, true repentance; It is hoped that your Lord will forgive your sins and admit you to gardens under which rivers flow, and Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believe with him on that day. Their light will shine before them and to their right. They will say, O our Lord, fill us with light and forgive us; Surely You are omnipotent in all matters.' (Surah: Tahrim, verse: 8)

Increases Faith: The Holy Quran is a blessed book, recitation of which increases the faith of a believer. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an, 'They are the believers, whose hearts tremble when Allah is discussed. And when verses are recited to them, it increases their faith and they rely on their Lord.' (Surah: Anfal, verse: 8)


Rewards are obtained: According to experienced scholars, just as ten good deeds are obtained from every letter of reciting the Qur'an, so also good deeds are obtained from listening to the recitation of the Qur'an. Because in verse 4 of Surah A'raf, Almighty Allah commanded to listen attentively when the Qur'an is recited and asked to remain silent. There is evidence that the Prophet (PBUH) also sometimes heard the Qur'an from the Companions. However, there is disagreement as to whether listening to the recorded Qur'an will be rewarded. (Fatawae Faqihul Millat: 2/104)

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