'There is no one in this world with a burnt forehead like ours'
September 22, 20242 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: Student Ismail Hossain Rabbi died in the movement of students. Two sisters took to the streets to demand justice with his dead body on their shoulders. And the mother is crazy after losing her only son.
The body of the bullet-ridden brother, on the shoulders of two sisters. Not crying, but marching on the streets demanding the execution of the killer. At the last moment of the movement to overthrow the Sheikh Hasina government, Ismail Hossain Rabbi was shot dead by fascists in Dhaka University area on August 4.
When Sheikh Hasina fled to India the next day, two sisters retrieved the body of their only brother, Rabbi, from the Dhaka Medical Morgue. Along with them, the students marched with the bodies of some others.
His mother, Asma Begum, is maddened by Rabbi's grief. How will he accept the fact that he will never see his son again? Touching the clothes of the beloved child, he is sometimes delirious.
Two sisters Meem Akhtar and Mitu Akhtar said that the incident of Abu Saeed and Mochad, who sacrificed their lives for the country to fight fearlessly in the movement, haunted the rabbi. A hundred obstacles of the family could not stop him.
His sister said, even if I tried hard, I would satisfy my rabbi's taste. When he came out of the house, people would say, "Look, sir's baby has come out." The rabbi was angry when he said this. He used to say that those who are poor say you are not a fakini, I am not a fakinni.
Another sister said, there is no one in this world with a burnt forehead like ours.
The family huddles in a room in the capital's Sayedabad. The rabbi's education and household expenses were supported by the meager income of the old van driver father Mohammad Miraj and the tuition money of his sister and mother. They had thousands of dreams about Rabbi.
The rabbi's family wants a formal trial and state recognition of the murder. Rabbi's mother Parveen Begum said, I want justice for this death. The chest of thousands of martyred mothers is empty and they want justice for their deaths. I want to be named in the register of martyrs very soon. Source: Channel 24