Is it healthy to eat hilsa fish for heart disease?

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Lifestyle Desk: You cannot find a Bengali whose tongue does not water when he hears the name of Hilsa fish. Sarse hilsa, vapa, hilsa paturi, curd hilsa, hilsa sour, fried hilsa eggs and many more recipes which cannot be finished with the list.

Is it healthy to eat hilsa fish for heart disease?
September 22, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: You cannot find a Bengali whose tongue does not water when he hears the name of Hilsa fish. Sarse hilsa, vapa, hilsa paturi, curd hilsa, hilsa sour, fried hilsa eggs and many more recipes which cannot be finished with the list.


Hilsa fish has many nutritional properties and health benefits, which are particularly beneficial for health. Its benefits are detailed below:

Heart protection: Hilsa fish is very low in saturated fat. On the other hand, it is rich in omega three fatty acids. So eating this fish keeps blood cholesterol levels under control. As a result, the heart is also healthy.

Circulation: The EPA and DHA omega-three oils in marine fish inhibit the production of eucinoid hormones in the body. Under the influence of this hormone, blood clots and veins swell. Eating hilsa fish improves blood circulation in the body. Reduced risk of thrombosis.

Arthritis: Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to osteoarthritis. If you have sea fish in your daily diet, you will get rid of arthritis pain, swollen joints and pain. Hilsa is rich in Omega 3.

Improves brain function: 60 percent of the brain is made up of fat. Most of which are omega three fatty acids. Eating hilsa fish reduces the incidence of dementia in old age. DHA also helps in brain development in children. Hilsa fish can prevent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Increases memory, increases concentration in studies.

Eye health: Eating oily fish improves eye health, makes eyes brighter. Omega-3 fatty acids can combat age-related vision loss. Vitamin A in hilsa fish helps reduce the risk of blindness.

Keeps lungs healthy: Sea fish is good for keeping lungs healthy. Hilsa fish can prevent asthma in children. People who eat fish regularly have stronger lungs.

So, eating hilsa fish properly and in moderation can be healthy for heart patients, but it is always better to consult a doctor. Is eating hilsa fish good for health?

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