Does wearing diapers harm the baby?

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Lifestyle Desk: Recently, the tendency of children to wear diapers is seen everywhere in the city or village. But wearing these diapers can cause serious harm to the baby. It plays a major role in preventing the formation and growth of children's bodies. So it is better not to wear d

Does wearing diapers harm the baby?
September 21, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Recently, the tendency of children to wear diapers is seen everywhere in the city or village. But wearing these diapers can cause serious harm to the baby. It plays a major role in preventing the formation and growth of children's bodies. So it is better not to wear diapers.


In today's report, I will tell if wearing diapers is harmful to children or not, and if so, what kind of harm is caused. Let's find out.

Diapering is most beneficial to parents or caregivers. Because if a child urinates or defecates suddenly, there is no danger of it getting on their body or bed.

Especially at night, if the baby is wearing a diaper, parents can sleep peacefully. But many times the diaper leaks and the baby stays wet for a long time. If the toilet is in that position for a long time, the child's body may have various problems including allergies.

In this regard, pediatricians say, if the child has to wear a diaper, then you can wear it at night.

That too for six hours. Do not keep baby in diapers for more than six hours. Because it hinders the process of child formation.
Associate Professor of Bangladesh Children's Hospital and Institute Dr. Makchudur Rahman said that wearing diapers can cause various problems in the child's body. For example: rash, allergies and red spots on the baby's toilet and urination area.

Many times parents use wet tissue to clean the baby. It can cause skin diseases in children because tissue papers contain chemicals. Cleaning the child's urine and toilet with these tissue papers often does not clean properly. Due to this, allergies may occur in the child's body.

The best way is to clean the baby thoroughly with lukewarm water and then wipe the baby's body with a soft cotton cloth. The quality of tissue paper is often questionable, so it is best not to use it for baby wipes. And if you have to use it, you must ensure the use of good quality tissue.

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