Easy way to correct mistakes in land deeds

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Lifestyle Desk : Common citizens still think that once a land deed is wrong, it can be corrected - this is a complete misconception - how to correct a wrong spot number in a land deed

Easy way to correct mistakes in land deeds
September 21, 20245 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk : Common citizens still think that once a land deed is wrong, it can be corrected - this is a complete misconception - how to correct a wrong spot number in a land deed


What is the way to amend the document? After the registry of the deed, if any mistake is found in the spelling of daag, khatian, mouza, chauhddi or name, a case for correction of the deed must be filed in the civil court within 3 years. After 3 years such cases were dismissed due to negligence. In that case, revision case cannot be filed, but then declaratory case can be filed. In this case, the judgment of the case given by the court is the rectification document. If a certified copy of the judgment is sent from the court to the concerned Sub-Registrar, the Sub-Registrar will correct the concerned volume in the light of the said judgment. In this case, no new document is required.

Do you need to make a new document if you modify it? After registering the land, many times it is seen that some place may have been wrong in the deed. There is nothing to panic about. After registration of the deed, any major mistake in dag, khatian, mauza, chauddi or name can be easily corrected within 3 years. A case for rectification of the document must be filed in the civil court within 3 years of such mistake. After 3 years such case was dismissed by Tamadi. So then no revision case can be filed, but declaratory case can be filed. The judgment in such a case is a rectification document. If 1 copy of the judgment is sent from the court to the concerned sub-registrar, the sub-registrar will amend the relevant volume in the light of the judgment, so there is no need to make any new documents (section 31 of the Specific Remedies Act).

Can Aceland correct minor errors in documents? Correction by Sub-Registrar: After registration of the deed, if any small mistake is found in the deed, khatian or name and the correction of the mistake will not cause any change in the original structure or title of the deed, an application can be made to the concerned sub-registrar for correction. The Sub-Registrar can correct such minor mistakes.

If the document is prepared following the official model of the document, the chances of mistakes are reduced. Choosing skilled and experienced document writers is very important. Check if your land deed writer is listed.

Things the buyer should keep in mind while writing the deed:

1. It should be verified whether the person executing the document as well as the land donor (seller) is a minor and of sound mind in the eyes of the law.

2. Different places of old document and new document such as (a) title (b) clean bill (c) earnest money etc. should be noted.

3. Amount of land proposed to be purchased by the buyer Selling price (In case of deed deed, amount paid in deed and balance due) Identification of parties (1) Deed recipient (2) Deed grantor or (a) First party (b) Second party Full names of both parties , address, occupation, religion etc.
Description of property: Basis of ownership of land donor, number and date of previous deed if original deed/deed etc.

4. If the seller of the land has inherited the land, then it is necessary to know whether the seller's relationship with the original owner is correct.

5. Details of the proposed land in the deed such as District Name, Upazila Name, Registry Office Name, Mauza Name, Dag No. Khatian No. which category the land belongs to such as Vita, or Dala, or Danga or Swamp should be seen.

6. Whether the boundaries of the land that the buyer wants to purchase are correct i.e. north, south east, west side along with the name of the owner should be mentioned.

7. The seller of the land or the grantor of the deed shall sign his own name from the bottom to the top right side of the 1st page of the deed or if he is illiterate he shall see that he has signed the tip above his name. Also the land seller or donor shall sign or tip at the bottom of the last page of the deed. But it is better to sign or tip the donor on every page of the document.

8. The writer of the said deed shall sign his name exactly below the place where the seller of the land has signed or tipped his name at the bottom of the last page of the deed; Then at least 2 witnesses and one other person will identify the seller of the land and sign as an identifier.

9. In the document, as far as possible, scribbles, blurring, and ambiguity should be avoided, but if any mistake is made, then in that case, the writer of the document should write an apology at the end of the document, mentioning the sequence of words and lines associated with the blurring or blurring.

10. At the time of writing the schedule of land, the total amount of land in each plot and the acreage or percentage of land given in the current sale deed should be written in each case. However, it should be noted that under no circumstances should acreage/percentage be written by adding together the area of ​​several spots.

11. The most important thing that a land buyer needs to take care of is the dag number and khatian number of various surveys, so that it is properly written by the deed writer. For this reason, the buyer of the land must know the correct dag number and khatian number of the land from the tehsil office before purchasing the land.

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What is a civil case? Civil case means all types of property or title related cases. Civil suits deal with common immovable or immovable property or rights of prayer. The procedure for how a civil case should proceed from initiation to settlement is given in the Code of Civil Procedure. Civil Procedure Code was enacted in 1908. The Code of Civil Procedure was first enacted in 1859. Which was passed on March 21, 1908. However, some of its clauses and orders have provisions for remedies, so it is called Procedural Law. In 1882 there was a law called the Civil Procedure Code, which had no mandate. There were 653 sections and the Civil Procedure Code was enacted on 26 March 1972 after the independence of Bangladesh.

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