Do this before bed to keep your sugar under control

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Lifestyle Desk: Keeping blood sugar under control is a round-the-clock task for diabetics. They need to take medication, exercise and improve their diet to keep their blood sugar under control. Diabetic patients need to maintain a healthy lifestyle until they sleep. Repeated hunger and thi

Do this before bed to keep your sugar under control
September 22, 20242 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: Keeping blood sugar under control is a round-the-clock task for diabetics. They need to take medication, exercise and improve their diet to keep their blood sugar under control. Diabetic patients need to maintain a healthy lifestyle until they sleep. Repeated hunger and thirst and bathroom do not sleep properly. Due to this, the amount of sugar in the blood increases. We are going to tell you some things that you can do while you sleep. Not only will it keep your diabetes under control, you'll also sleep very well.


Check blood sugar levels before bed : For diabetics, monitoring blood sugar is an important part of their daily routine. Check your blood sugar right before bed. This will help your doctor understand whether your blood sugar is being controlled properly with your medications and other treatments. Your blood sugar should be between 90 and 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) at bedtime.

What to eat before sleeping: Usually between 2 pm and 8 am, the blood sugar level of diabetic patients increases. There are many reasons behind this, such as hormonal changes during sleep, decreased insulin, taking any medication before bed or sleeping with something high in carbohydrates. To avoid this, eat something high in fiber and low in fat before bed. These things keep blood sugar stable. Eat a small dinner before bed, which can affect your blood sugar.

Avoid caffeine: Avoid caffeine like coffee, chocolate and soda a few hours before bed. Caffeinated products stimulate the brain and lead to poor sleep. Also, limit alcohol consumption, especially when your sleep patterns start to deteriorate as these things all work to raise blood sugar levels.


Keep these things in mind before going to sleep: Before going to sleep, create an environment in the house that will help you fall asleep faster. Turn on dim light bulbs, keep the screens up, keep mobiles away. Keep your body fully relaxed and your mind ready for sleep. If you can't sleep early, do light yoga or read a book.

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