What to do to reduce electricity bill in extreme heat

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Jumbangla Desk: People's lives are disrupted due to the extreme heat. In such a situation, the use of fans, chargers, ACs, coolers and lamps continues to increase. And because of this, the amount of electricity bill is also increasing at the end of the month. So apart from the lower

What to do to reduce electricity bill in extreme heat
September 22, 20243 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: People's lives are disrupted due to the extreme heat. In such a situation, the use of fans, chargers, ACs, coolers and lamps continues to increase. And because of this, the amount of electricity bill is also increasing at the end of the month. So apart from the lower class families, the line of worry is now affecting the middle class families as well. In such a situation, it is possible to reduce the cost of this bill if you follow some rules during summer.

Current Bill

Let's know the ways to reduce electricity bill-

If you want to reduce the additional electricity consumption, you must first remove all the old electrical appliances in the house. Because such devices consume a lot of electricity. As a result, the electricity bill increases a lot. Energy efficient 5 star rated appliances are now available in the market. If you use modern equipment, you can save a lot of electricity.

In such situations install energy saving lamps in every room. More electricity will be saved if you can install LED lights in the house. These lamps can keep your house lit even in load shedding. In the use of this lamp, there will be no need to charge the charger lamp, torch light separately. As a result, you can save a lot of electricity.

Energy efficient fans can be preferred for home use. Also, if the fan is running continuously, the room gets hotter than usual. So after 3 hours continuous use with 1 hour break. Avoid staying in that room with the fan off. If there is a window in the house, open it.

If the weather is cold or on rainy days, you can keep the fan off. You can also reduce your electricity bill by turning off fans or lights in rooms that are not needed.

Preferring air cooler machine instead of using AC in summer will reduce your electricity bill a lot. And instead of using IPS, you can save electricity by using LED lights and charger fans without compromising your comfort.

In ancient Egypt it was customary to use light wet curtains in the house to escape the heat. It has a cool mood in the house. Because when the hot air from outside enters the room, this curtain will absorb the heat and keep the room cool.

When several electronic products are running simultaneously in the house, the house gets very hot. So never keep so many products running at home at once. Besides, you can stop using the microwave and washing machine if you don't need it.

You can prefer manual blenders and juicers instead of electronic blenders to make cold drinks or syrups to cool down in the heat. It will save electricity bill a lot.

Use as much natural light as possible during the day. If the extra light is not used unnecessarily, the bill will also come in half. Also, don't keep other electronic gadgets running unnecessarily. Turn off if not needed.

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Many switch off electronic products but remain plugged in. Even in this condition electricity is consumed. This is called 'phantom' or 'standby'. So the device should be unplugged if not in use. This will save a lot of electricity.

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