At the end of Ruku, the angels compete to write a small prayer

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Religion Desk: Prayer is one of the obligatory acts of worship. The Holy Quran mentions 82 times of prayer. It has been said, 'Surely prayer is obligatory on the believers at certain times (Surah Nisa, verse: 103). Again, in the hadith, there is a mention of praying more than once. A

At the end of Ruku, the angels compete to write a small prayer
September 22, 20242 Mins Read

Religion Desk: Prayer is one of the obligatory acts of worship. The Holy Quran mentions 82 times of prayer. It has been said, 'Surely prayer is obligatory on the believers at certain times (Surah Nisa, verse: 103). Again, in the hadith, there is a mention of praying more than once. Along with that, importance has been given on praying on time. Even to Almighty Allah, performing the prayer on time is the most beloved deed.


Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) narrated, I asked the Messenger (PBUH), which deed is dearer to Allah? He said, performing the prayer on time. Ibnu Masud (RA) asked again, which one? He said, then treat your parents well. Ibnu Masud (RA) asked again, which one? The Prophet (PBUH) said, then Jihad in the way of Allah or Jihad fi sabilillah. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 502)

In order to complete the prayer, it is important to perform the prayers correctly. On the authority of Ubadah Ibnus Samit (R.A.) - He said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, Allah Ta'ala has made five daily prayers obligatory (for His servants). Whoever performs ablution well for this prayer, performs it at the correct time and performs its ruku and khushu perfectly, Allah has promised that He will forgive him. And whoever does not do that, Allah has no promise for him. He can forgive if He wills, and punish if He wills. (Meshkat, Hadith: 570)

In this case, there are some special prayers that have special virtues during prayer. Among them, there is a special prayer at the end of Ruku. On the authority of Abu Huraira (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, When the Imam says 'SamiAllahu Liman Hamida' then you should say 'Allahumma Rabbana Lakal Hamd'. Because whoever utters this saying at the same time as the angels, all his previous sins are forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 760)


Another hadith mentions a special supplication at the end of ruku, which angels compete to write down the servant's reward. Rifa'a Ibn Rafi Juraki (R.A.) said, Once we were praying behind the Messenger (S.A.W.). When he raised his head from ruku and said 'SamiAllahu Liman Hamida', one of the Companions said 'Rabbana wa Lakal Hamd, Hamdan Kachiran Tayyiban Mubarakan Fihi'. After finishing the prayer, the Prophet (PBUH) asked who said that. Then that companion said, I am. In response, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, I saw more than 30 angels competing among themselves as to who would write its reward first. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 770; Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 763)

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