Don't lend money to anyone without forgetting 5 things

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Lifestyle Desk: When we only borrow money from someone or lend it to someone, we have thoughts in our mind. Nothing happens if you give and take other things except money. But you know what, according to Sanatan principles, these 5 things should never be borrowed from anyone, nor given to

Don't lend money to anyone without forgetting 5 things
September 22, 20241 Min Read
Lifestyle Desk: When we only borrow money from someone or lend it to someone, we have thoughts in our mind. Nothing happens if you give and take other things except money. But you know what, according to Sanatan principles, these 5 things should never be borrowed from anyone, nor given to anyone. Our report today is about those five things –


1) Pen- According to Sanatan principles, pen is one of our weapons for doing good deeds. Giving it to someone means sharing the fruits of one's actions with someone else.

2) Books - Books are the reservoir of knowledge. To give it is to diminish one's knowledge.

3) Partner- Your partner protects your dignity. If you give him to someone else, you will lose your dignity and respect.

4) Handkerchief- It is a very holy thing according to Sanatan principles. Because with this handkerchief we wipe the sweat of the face and forehead. Fate is written on the forehead. Keeping this handkerchief in your money bag also improves your financial condition.

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5) Used clothes - sharing clothes with others means sharing both positive and negative aspects of that person.

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