What Allama Imam Hayat said about party politics in educational institutions

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Jumbangla Desk: Allama Imam Hayat, chairman of the registered political party Insaniat Biplab, said that the main purpose of educational institutions is not party politics and if educational institutions are not kept free from conflict and party dominance, the real purpose of educational i

What Allama Imam Hayat said about party politics in educational institutions
September 22, 20243 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: Allama Imam Hayat, chairman of the registered political party Insaniat Biplab, said that the main purpose of educational institutions is not party politics and if educational institutions are not kept free from conflict and party dominance, the real purpose of educational institutions will be disrupted. Party politics in educational institutions has disastrous consequences.

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He said these things in a statement sent to the media on Sunday (September 22).

Allama Imam Hayat said, as the chairman of Biswa Insaniyat Biplab, a political party based on anti-politicism, I think that the branch of party politics in educational institutions is very harmful and unjust. We insaniyat revolution perceive the politics of humanity as an integral part of life and an integral part of existence. Our analysis and understanding is that after natural forces, politics is the main regulator and driving force of life, wealth and the world, so man cannot claim to be apolitical.

He said that being apolitical or being a part of a single anti-human sectarian apoliticism is an inability to understand life. Being non-partisan and apolitical are not the same thing. We perceive human revolution as a denial of life for any human being at any level of life, and anti-life, anti-humanitarian apoliticism as a life-destroying and humanity-destroying toxic darkness and a crime against humanity. Insaniyat Biplab does not consider life and politics as separate, so politics and citizenship are not separate, but perceive them as one.

In the statement, the political leader said, "We realize that the politics of humanism, essential to human life, or any politics and the organizational aspects of party politics are not the same." Just as we accept the right of everyone to follow their own political philosophy and party, any person, institution, government or state is forced to impose the politics or party domination of any religious ideology on the government and the state. Consider it a destructive crime.

Imam Hayat said, Insaniyat Biplab educational institutions, religious centers, courts, state forces, hospitals, offices, workplaces, factories, sports, cultural arenas, special places of special work and public institutions, the official branch organization of any political party and party conflict, spread of party dominance, Directly carrying out public party programs seems to be very destructively unfair and impolitic. Students must practice politics in educational institutions, but it must be academic and non-confrontational and safe and cordial.

He said that the program of party organizational field politics of student organization of any political party in the institution is terribly destructive, which only destroys the institution by establishing hooliganism.

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The chairman of Insaniat Biplab said that the main purpose of educational institutions is not party politics and if educational institutions are not kept free from all unwanted conflicts and party dominance, the original purpose of educational institutions will be destroyed and become dangerous tools of dishonest interests. Even if anything is good, if the proper place of everything is not understood, even good things will become harmful in the end. Institutions are turned into destructive battlegrounds when public institutions and special-purpose institutions branch out into dialectical and conflicting partisan politics.

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