A great strategy to eliminate pest problems in rice

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Lifestyle Desk: Many do the market together throughout the month. There is also rice. Many people buy more rice and store it. In that case many have to face a problem. And that is catching insects in rice.

A great strategy to eliminate pest problems in rice
September 22, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Many do the market together throughout the month. There is also rice. Many people buy more rice and store it. In that case many have to face a problem. And that is catching insects in rice.

rice beetle

Many people are worried about this problem. But it is very easy to solve these problems if you know the way. Today let's know some great techniques to get rid of rice weevil-> If the amount of rice is high then keep the rice in a plastic bag.

> Always use air tight food containers for storing rice. If rice is kept in an air tight container, the rice will not get infected and the rice will not rot.

> Keep some neem leaves in the rice bowl if the rice is infected with insects. If you don't get neem leaves, you can also give bay leaves. You will see that the rice beetle is gone. Moreover, if you want to get rid of insects in rice, you can adopt this method in advance. There will be no chance of catching insects.

> Always keep rice in cool place, do not keep rice container in damp environment. When the rice is finished, clean the rice bowl and dry it and put the rice again.

> You can spray insecticide around the place before placing the rice pot.

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> If insects get on the rice, fill the container and refrigerate the rice. After keeping it in the fridge for 4 to 5 days, you will see that all the rice insects are dead.

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