9 points were made in discussion with DU camp secretary, demand coordinator cadre

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Jumbangla Desk: From quota reform movement to anti-discrimination movement. Then gradually the movement to overthrow the government gained momentum. Six chief coordinators were missing and detained in the DB office. After the death of Abu Saeed on July 17, the movement spread throughout th

9 points were made in discussion with DU camp secretary, demand coordinator cadre
September 23, 2024Updated:September 23, 20246 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: From quota reform movement to anti-discrimination movement. Then gradually the movement to overthrow the government gained momentum. Six chief coordinators were missing and detained in the DB office. After the death of Abu Saeed on July 17, the movement spread throughout the country. At that time other coordinators made 9 points through discussion with DU camp secretary.

On Sunday (September 22) night, this appeared on the Facebook status of coordinator Abdul Quader. His Facebook status is given exactly for the reader-

A few words about the historic nine points:

The movement aimed at quota reform was formed; But when the government confused the situation, the movement took a different direction. In his continuation, there are nine stages of descent.

We were carrying on the program peacefully; But when 6 people including Abu Saeed were martyred on Tuesday 16th, we held an online meeting with the front line coordinators at 12:00 that night. The first agenda in the meeting was, the six people who died today, in exchange for these six bodies, is it just the quota reform? Then everyone got up and said that only quota reform cannot be done in exchange for six dead bodies. Later there was a long discussion. In this discussion, some other demands including the resignation of the Home Minister came up. It is good to say, we have been on the ground with various soft and hard programs, starting from “Bangla Blockade” and submitting memorandums to the President; But an absolutely nonchalant attitude was observed on the part of the government. The government was not on the verge of negotiations, it was just watching the high court with a gun on its shoulder. But when the situation became critical, 6 people were martyred, on that day the government started pushing for talks, pressurizing us through various means to sit in the talks. But we show our firm position by repeatedly rejecting the call for dialogue. Although there was pressure from inside and outside to sit in the discussion.

The government had formally announced the call for dialogue but we have not formally cleared our position in view of that. Didn't even get a chance to clear. Police opened fire on us in DU campus during Ghaibana Janazah on Wednesday, some people including me were injured. Hannan Masood was shot dead. Since then, we have not decided to avoid arrest by taking a strategic position for the sake of conducting the movement. Although we decided to make some demands on Tuesday night by rejecting the dialogue of the government, but we did not get time to finalize those demands after everyone discussed together. But we cleared our position on Thursday with a field program (complete shutdown).

On Thursday I and Asif Bhai separated from the same house and went to different destinations. The government shut down the internet on the 18th night of that day. We are also changing the place again and again to keep the program going, to avoid arrest. Couldn't communicate with anyone. At the beginning of the movement Nahid Bhai called me and arranged a meeting with a person and later on the purpose of the movement was in contact with that person several times; Later I came to know that he was the student movement affairs secretary of DU Shibir. But even then the president and secretary of the camp were not contacted in that way.

When I was protesting in Jatrabari area on Friday, Farhad Bhai, secretary of the Shibir, called me and said, "Some of the coordinators of the movement are going to sit in discussions with the government ministers, they are disrespecting the blood of martyrs. The movement will end. The movement should be continued with some demands, people cannot be treated unfairly.' I agree. We already had a position to continue the movement. Besides, I have in mind some demands to be fixed at Tuesday night's meeting.

There is no senior in the field to continue the movement. Asif-Nahid has kept his brother missing. I decide to take risk without thinking seven or five. On that day, after Friday prayers, several people were martyred in Jatrabari, all happening in front of my eyes. There was no way I could accept people being shot like birds. Moreover, I have been a victim of jail-oppression, attack-case for a long time and have spoken against such injustice of Hasina; I did not bow down. I never imagined what would happen to me. People are being killed in front of my eyes, I don't have time to think about my life by thinking about people. Chhatra League in the campus for the last 4/5 years, the long struggle against fascism has taught us to hold firm. Let's decide to take the lead in this crisis of the country.

However, after some time the camp secretary called me again. Saying, "I am making some demands in draft form, discuss with you". Since we had already discussed many demands, they were discussed with him and 9 points were made in a coordinated way.

He made some demands one by one. Those are very common demands - like: resignation of Home Minister, dismissal of police administration involved in student killings, bringing terrorists to justice, resignation of VC. All of which we thought in the discussion of the Tuesday night meeting after the 6 martyrs. Besides, people were also making such demands on social media. Towards the end, the secretary of the camp added a demand - "Student politics should be banned in the campus" I did not accept this, a long discussion took place. Later, I said, student politics cannot be banned in general, in this case, you can talk about banning student politics. Later it was decided - "Student politics should be banned" was the story behind the creation of nine points. However, the camp played an important role in the spread of the nine-point campaign. Since there is no net, they are the ones who have managed to reach out to foreign journalists, physically risking their lives during gun-curfew.

They advised me to collect a new sim and mobile. I took the SIM from the student's house and gave that number along with a nine point press release. That evening, I walked 4-5 kilometers away from home and called the journalists I knew about the nine points. I was acquainted with the campus journalists because of doing some student politics. So that night, I sent many of them one by one with button calls and written the demands through messages. All nine claims cannot be sent in one message. I told someone again, he wrote it down. Someone recorded it again. Many have called to confirm whether I have given it or not. The foreign press is also being confirmed by phone, 'It is going from my side, someone will deliver it to you through a pen drive.' This went on till 11 pm.

I used to go away from home every night. I would turn on the phone and talk to journalists for 2-3 hours, confirm them, turn off the phone and return home. The seniors were missing, the rest could not be contacted as the internet was off. It continued like this. My house was next to Jatrabari police station. Fear of arrest, still had to stay at home. In the beginning there was nowhere to go. Some nights are spent in the mosque, some nights are spent outside or on the roof of the house and the last night I return home.

This is the historic nine points, our nine points,
the certificate of liberation from the fascist Hasina!

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