``Rangpur sugar mill'' has been closed for four years, lakhs of people including workers and sugarcane farmers

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From Hedayet Ullah Soukhin and Ranju Khandkar, Gaibandha: The promise of opening 'Rangpur Sugar Mill', Gaibandha's only heavy industry, is just a mirage. It closed in 2020. Later it was promised to be modernized and opened, but it has not been implemented till date.

``Rangpur sugar mill'' has been closed for four years, lakhs of people including workers and sugarcane farmers are in trouble
September 23, 20244 Mins Read
From Hedayet Ullah Soukhin and Ranju Khandkar, Gaibandha: The promise of opening 'Rangpur Sugar Mill', Gaibandha's only heavy industry, is just a mirage. It closed in 2020. Later it was promised to be modernized and opened, but it has not been implemented till date.

According to sugar mill sources, sugarcane threshing rate of sugar mill was 66.65 percent in 2019-2020 season. Sugar extraction rate was 68.71 percent. The threshing capacity of the mill was also the highest in the 2020-21 season. However, the threshing operation of the mill was stopped.

Mill employees and local people said that in 2020, 6 sugar mills in the country were closed, including this one. In protest against this decision, workers, sugarcane farmers and local people organized a massive movement. In view of this, Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industry Association informed that 6 mills will be modernized and launched. But till today it remains a promise.

When asked to know, the managing director of this sugar mill, Masuma Akhter, said that the government still has to pay Tk 17 lakh for the salary of permanent and temporary officials and employees while it is closed. This sugar mill and Sahebganj Bagdafarm established on 1925 acres of land is one of the biggest assets of the country.

He said, if the sugar mill can be turned into a profitable enterprise through modernization, just as the wheel of the economy turns on the other hand, millions of people involved in the mill can regain their fortunes.

According to sugar mill sources, there were 1100 workers-employees-officials and thousands of sugarcane farmers in the mill located in Mahimaganj area of ​​Gobindganj upazila of Gaibandhar. People from different professions were involved. This sugar mill was their only source of livelihood.

Md. Rafiqul Islam, the former switchboard attendant of the sugar mill said, 'After the temporary closure of the sugar mill, there was no work, no wages under the contract and I was working in this sugar mill until it was completely closed. Currently living a non-human life in unemployment. Reopening the only heavy industry that has contributed to the development of Mahimaganj will end the inhuman life of many who have lost their jobs, including me.'

People associated with the call said that instead of opening the call, the permanent officers and employees here have been posted elsewhere. Various goods, trolleys and other necessary equipments have also been removed here. They are more disappointed.

Jinnat Ali of Sonar Para area of ​​Mahimaganj Union has lost his only job at a sugar mill and is making a living by driving a van. He lamented, 'After losing my job and spending a long time starving, I was forced to choose the profession of a van driver to feed my family. Many other laborers like me are living in indescribable hardships. Still hoping that the call will be activated.'

According to call sources, the sugar mill was first laid off and paid off after the 2003-2004 season. However, in the face of widespread agitation, sugarcane crushing was started again in the mill in 2007-2008 season. But it was shut down in 2020 despite having more crushing capacity than other sugar mills currently in operation.

Some of the workers said that the contract workers who lost their jobs are now living an inhumane life without food. Sugarcane farmers along with thousands of workers here are getting angry day by day as it is not started.

Sugarcane farmer Md. Atwarul Islam Nannu said, during the operation of Rangpur sugar mill, he used to cultivate sugarcane on 15 bighas of land. Sugarcane cultivation has now been completely stopped as the tap is not working. They are suffering financially.

Looking at the now forested sugar mill area, it is hard to imagine that it was once the only heavy industrial area in the area. The place used to be busy with various people including workers. There is no way to see the various valuable machinery and sugarcane transport vehicles lying carelessly neglected under the open sky, that they were ever used. All in all, there is an eerie silence in the square.

According to call sources, in 1954, this heavy industrial company was built on 35 acres of land at a cost of 261 crores in Mahimaganj Union of Gobindganj Thana, Gaibandha Sub-division of Rangpur District. Sugarcane crushing operation started in the sugar mill from 1957-58 season. Finally in 1972 the sugar mill was recognized as a state owned institution. The coll has residential facilities for officials, ponds, Iksu buying center and eight sub zones. The mill had its own power generation system with a threshing capacity of 1500 metric tons per day. It had its own railway to transport sugarcane.

Sugar mill worker leader Farooq Hossain Fatu said that it is possible to turn this sugar mill into a profitable company by installing electronic engines instead of steam engines. Cultivation on 1842 acres of Sahebganj Bagdafarm Iksu farm with 3900 acres of sugarcane suitable land in the sugar mill area alone can open the doors of new possibilities to the economy of the entire Bangladesh. A crore of taka was transacted every month in Mahimaganj from the sugar mill alone. Which is just a memory now. The tradition of Mahimaganj along with sugar mills is also on the verge of disappearing today. They want an announcement to launch it immediately.

When asked about the overall issue, Rangpur Sugar Mill General Manager (GM-Finance) Md. Ruhul Amin said, 'Rangpur Sugar Mill's repairing cost may be two to two and a half crore rupees.

He felt that if the sugar mill can be brought back to grinding operations in good management by installing new parts, it can be good for the country and the people.

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