BNP mourned Barrister Mahbub Uddin Khokon

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Jumbangla Desk: BNP has issued a show cause notice to BNP Chairperson's advisor Barrister Mahabub Uddin Khokon. He is the President of Bangladesh Supreme Court Lawyers Association.

BNP mourned Barrister Mahbub Uddin Khokon
September 24, 20242 Mins Read

Jumbangla Desk: BNP has issued a show cause notice to BNP Chairperson's advisor Barrister Mahabub Uddin Khokon. He is the President of Bangladesh Supreme Court Lawyers Association.


A letter was sent from the central office of BNP on Monday. It is known that recently he was mourned for organizing a motor procession in his constituency in Noakhali.

Earlier, in a letter on September 8, BNP has instructed the central and grassroots leaders and activists to avoid the procession of motorcycles or any other vehicles without putting the people in suffering. It has also directed activists to refrain from displaying posters, banners, festoons.

The party says that since the BNP is a people-oriented political party, its leaders and activists should refrain from activities that cause problems for the people. A letter in this regard was sent with two messages to the National Executive Committee, Chairperson's Advisory Council, all organizational districts and metros and all its organs and affiliates.

In the letter signed by Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, Senior Joint Secretary General of BNP, it is mentioned that for the information of all concerned including the leaders of BNP and all its organs and affiliated organizations, it is being informed that during the visit for the purpose of organizational work in any unit under your jurisdiction, the procession of any kind of motorcycle fleet and any other vehicles including cars should be avoided. have to do Due to these processions, there is a terrible disturbance in the traffic of ordinary people's vehicles or pedestrians. In areas where organizational meetings, working meetings or public meetings are held, the arrival of senior leaders, but the procession creates heavy traffic jams and causes people to suffer a lot which is not desirable in any way.

The letter also said that it is already being observed that the leaders and activists of BNP and its affiliates and affiliated organizations across the country including Dhaka will display colorful posters, banners and festoons. It is highly visible, unintended and disruptive to team discipline. Some of the party's overzealous leaders are publishing posters with their pictures and hanging festoons and banners. The activists are instructed to refrain from displaying such posters, banners, festoons.

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