Complaints were filed against Sheikh Hasina in the tribunal for the first time on the complaint of G.M.-Khu.NE

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Jumbangla Desk: A complaint has been filed against Sheikh Hasina in the tribunal for the first time by alleging disappearance during the Awami League government. The complaint was filed on Monday (September 23) morning.

Complaints were filed against Sheikh Hasina in the tribunal for the first time on the complaint of G.M.-Khu.NE
September 23, 20242 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: A complaint has been filed against Sheikh Hasina in the tribunal for the first time by alleging disappearance during the Awami League government. The complaint was filed on Monday (September 23) morning.


According to the complaint, a young businessman named Enamul Kabir was abducted from his house in the capital Basabo on November 17, 2018 in the identity of DB. It is said that he was picked up on the orders of the then Divisional Officer Mosiur. He was kept in the Dibi office with his hands, feet and eyes tied. He was later released on November 26. He was tortured inhumanly for nine days. At this time, he was asked for information about the opposition party.

Later on November 26, he was released from the DB office, but he was sent to jail after filing a case that explosives were found in his office. Later, Enamul was released from prison on bail. He has filed a complaint naming 25 people including Sheikh Hasina, in view of the torture that was carried out on him for nine days innocently.

In addition, another charge was filed against Sheikh Hasina in the tribunal regarding the death of martyr Sheikh As-Ha-Bul Yamin, who was thrown out of the APC yesterday afternoon.

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It is said in the complaint that the people of the country were surprised and shocked to see the barbaric incident when the scene of the bullet-ridden Yamin's frozen body being thrown down from the police armored vehicle was published on social media. The students of the country erupted in protest at this cruelest behavior in the elimination of anti-discrimination movement. 78 people, including Sheikh Hasina, have been charged in the International Criminal Tribunal for the brutal murder.

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