Cultivation of mint on the roof of the house is a simple method to kill lice

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Lifestyle Desk: Mint leaves are a well-known medicinal plant. Apart from enhancing the taste of food, mint leaves have many medicinal properties. Gargle with water mixed with mint leaves to get rid of bad breath.

Cultivation of mint on the roof of the house is a simple method to kill lice
September 24, 20243 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Mint leaves are a well-known medicinal plant. Apart from enhancing the taste of food, mint leaves have many medicinal properties. Gargle with water mixed with mint leaves to get rid of bad breath.

Cultivation of mint

Mint leaves can be mixed in bath water to get rid of dandruff problem during hot season. Besides, mint leaves work well against skin irritation in summer. People suffering from indigestion and anorexia can use mint leaves to improve digestion. Mint leaves are a great remedy for lice. It also works to kill lice if you have lice on your scalp. Mint leaves can be grown easily on your rooftop. You can also get good profit by selling in the market other than your needs. Because the market demand for mint leaves is high almost all year round.

Soil: Mint leaves can be cultivated in almost all soils, but loam soils do best. Different types of mint have different tolerances to different types of climates.

Climate: Generally grows well in humid climates and moist soils. Best under light shade but can also grow in full sun.

Varieties: There are about 650 varieties of mint, most of which are perennials and some are annuals. Peppermint, spearmint and arbanensis varieties of mint are more common worldwide. The most popular varieties of mint for cultivation are peppermint, spearmint and applemint.

Preparation of tub soil: If mint leaves are cultivated in tubs, at least 10 to 12 inch size soil tubs should be taken. Apart from this, half the amount of organic manure or rotted cow dung or vermicompost should be mixed with the soil of the tub while making sandy loam soil. When the soil is slightly dried in the sun, plant mint leaf cuttings on it one by one at a certain distance. Care should be taken while collecting the cuttings. If you want cuttings to grow roots, you can use rooting hormone.

Rooting hormone: Growing mint in tubs becomes much easier if you use rooting hormone. As rooting hormone you can use any of the aftermarket rooting hormone or cinnamon powder or honey. If used it will grow shakar very quickly from mint leaf cuttings. You can grow mint in a shady spot or indoors and in tubs if you want. Mint plants do not require a lot of light.

Fertilizer application: 10 to 15 tons of dung or organic manure should be mixed with the soil during cultivation. It does not require other fertilizers like urea, potash, TSP for its cultivation. Bone meal 5 kg, TSP fertilizer 1-1.5 kg, wood ash 5 kg or MOP fertilizer 1 kg. These fertilizers should be mixed with the soil of the bed while preparing the bed.

Planting method: Mint cultivation is done in 2 ways. By cutting and rooting. Cutting gives more success. This tree grows only if the branch is placed in wet or moist soil. Seedlings are made by planting cuttings or cuttings. Take the cuttings from the old field and put them in the hopper and make seedlings. Cutting length will be 10 cm. Seedlings should be prepared a week before planting in the field. Seedlings can be planted 30 cm apart in beds. Irrigation should be given after planting. Urea fertilizer should be applied every 2 months at the rate of 20 grams per square meter. Urea fertilizer should be applied on the same basis after every 2 cuttings. Irrigation should be done after applying urea fertilizer. In commercial land, 10-12 weeks after planting, urea fertilizer should be applied once every month at the rate of 20 grams per square meter.

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Harvesting: Once a few trees are planted, they turn into many trees within a few days. Since then leaves can be collected. No damage is done to the base or roots of the plant while collecting the leaves.

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