Diabetes will come under control by playing this thing of 10 rupees

Lifestyle Desk: Diabetes is becoming an epidemic. To prevent this disease in a controlled lifestyle, the necessary changes, healthy eating habits, physical activity, regular checkups, weight control should be taken care of.

Diabetes will come under control by playing this thing of 10 rupees
September 24, 20243 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Diabetes is becoming an epidemic. To prevent this disease in a controlled lifestyle, the necessary changes, healthy eating habits, physical activity, regular checkups, weight control should be taken care of.


Millions of people in the world are suffering from diabetes. This disease is so bad that once it occurs it is never cured. Diabetes can be controlled only through medication and a controlled lifestyle. In diabetes, the insulin produced in the person's body does not work properly and blood sugar levels rise. Patients' blood sugar is controlled with insulin injections and other medications as prescribed by doctors. A recent study has come up with a unique way to control blood sugar, through which you can get rid of this problem to a large extent at home for a couple of ten rupees.

British website Express reports on diabetes, claiming that eating onions is the cheapest and most effective way to control blood sugar. Onion extract can reduce blood sugar by 50 percent. Onion extract, Allium cepa and metformin can control diabetes to a great extent. This information has emerged in the US research paper. Metformin is a drug that is widely used to control diabetes The researcher of this study said that onion is the cheapest and easily available thing to control diabetes.

How was the research done? Researchers in this diabetes study administered 400 mg and 600 mg of onion extract to diabetic rats, which showed a 50% and 35% reduction in blood sugar levels, respectively. Not only this, high cholesterol levels are also significantly reduced from onions.

The non-diabetic mice gained weight because of this, while the diabetic mice did not change their weight. Onions are not high in calories and their juice increases the metabolic rate, the researchers say. Due to this, hunger increases and people start eating more food.

The problem of victims of diabetes is increasing, the problem of diabetes is increasing very fast in present time. Not only the elderly but also the young are suffering from diabetes and due to this the risk of heart disease is also increasing. Meanwhile, another study has revealed that in the next 20 years, the number of people suffering from diabetes in the world will be in crores. The data of this study has become a cause of panic for everyone. Diabetes is becoming an epidemic. To prevent this disease in a controlled lifestyle, the necessary changes, healthy eating habits, physical activity, regular checkups, weight control should be taken care of. If there is a problem, you should contact the doctor immediately.

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Nowadays the problem of diabetes is increasing very fast. Not only the elderly but also the young are suffering from diabetes and due to this the risk of heart disease is also increasing. Meanwhile, another study has revealed that in the next 20 years, the number of people suffering from diabetes in the world will be in crores. The data of this study has become a cause of panic for everyone. Diabetes is becoming an epidemic. To prevent this disease in a controlled lifestyle, the necessary changes, healthy eating habits, physical activity, regular checkups, weight control should be taken care of. If there is a problem, you should contact the doctor immediately.

Mohammad Monirul

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