What to do immediately if you lose your passport

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Lifestyle Desk: Passport is an important document. This passport is proof of your citizenship on foreign soil. Based on this will be determined whether you are valid or invalid. Therefore, you should keep a photocopy of your passport for yourself and your loved ones. But if this very impor


What to do immediately if you lose your passport
September 24, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Passport is an important document. This passport is proof of your citizenship on foreign soil. Based on this will be determined whether you are valid or invalid. Therefore, you should keep a photocopy of your passport for yourself and your loved ones. But if this very important thing is lost, then the way?


What to do if you lose your passport abroad

If a passport is lost abroad, the police of that country should be informed immediately or a general diary of the loss of passport should be made in the police station area where the passport was lost. Otherwise, you may even go to jail for lack of proper evidence!

Immediately after that, you need to contact the embassy of Bangladesh. The embassy will assist you in generating a new passport by contacting the passport photocopy and roadpass or road traffic certificate (if applicable).

If a travel agency has assisted you in your trip, they will help you contact the Bangladesh High Commission. Then Bangladesh High Commission will help you. Bangladesh Passport Office and Immigration will send a letter or report to Bangladesh High Commission after observing all your information. This letter or report will help you return home safely.

What to do if you lose your passport in the country

First of all, a general passport loss diary should be made in the police station area where the passport was lost. If the passport has a visa for any country, it should be mentioned in the general diary.

If a person's passport is lost or stolen, after filing a general diary or case at the police station, the police will blacklist the passport in the immigration database so that no one else can travel abroad using the said passport.

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Similarly, if a lost or stolen passport is found, an application should be made to the officer-in-charge of the police station to withdraw the passport from the blacklist of the immigration database. If it is not available, if you apply again with a copy of the general diary, the passport office will give you a new passport.

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