What is the game of cricket called in Bengali? 99% of people can't tell

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Jumbangla Desk: It goes without saying how important common knowledge is these days. General knowledge questions are asked in any educational institution or interview. This is a great way to understand how good your knowledge is. However, in this report, some unknown questions have been an

What is the game of cricket called in Bengali? 99% of people can't tell
September 24, 20242 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: It goes without saying how important common knowledge is these days. General knowledge questions are asked in any educational institution or interview. This is a great way to understand how good your knowledge is. However, in this report, some unknown questions have been answered at a glance.

playing cricket

1) Question: When a snake bites, blood comes out through all the pores of the body?
Answer: Boomslang (Boomslang) snake bites and bleeds out from all the pores of the body. This snake is found only in Africa.

2) Question: What is the most disliked vegetable in the world?
Answer: The most disliked vegetable is bitter gourd, which is disliked by about 70 percent of people.

3) Question: Which is the sweetest and most beautiful language in the world?
Answer: Bengali has been declared as the sweetest language in the world by UNESCO in 2010.

4) Question: Which bird lays eggs while flying in the sky and the eggs fly as babies before falling to the ground?
Answer: Homa bird.

5) Question: Where is the river of boiling water in the world?
Answer: The water of a river called Shanay-Timpishka in the Amazon jungle is always bubbling.

6) Question: Which fish has a shoe company?
Answer: 'Bata' Company.

7) Question: Which country has a public holiday on Saturday instead of Sunday?
Answer: There are several countries in the world where public holidays are on Saturday instead of Sunday, one of them is Maldives.

8) Question: 'Electric fish' Eel (Eel) has the ability to shock up to how many volts?
Answer: An electric eel can generate up to 600 volts in its body.

9) Question: How much is the height of the Himalayas increasing every year?
Answer: Every year the height of the Himalayas is increasing by 4 mm.

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10) Question: What is the game called Cricket in Bengali?
Ans: Cricket is called 'Cricket' in Bengali, because this game was born in England. But in our country, the popular term for cricket in rural Bengal is 'batball game'.

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