This quality of men attracts women the most

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Lifestyle Desk: Everyone is very careful in choosing a partner. Especially women are very meticulous in choosing a partner. It is very difficult to understand their likes and dislikes. So the question of what qualities women like most in a partner or what attracts them most to others is an

This quality of men attracts women the most
September 25, 20242 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: Everyone is very careful in choosing a partner. Especially women are very meticulous in choosing a partner. It is very difficult to understand their likes and dislikes. So the question of what qualities women like most in a partner or what attracts them most to others is an age-old question.

Male qualities

From poets, philosophers to ordinary people, many have tried to answer this question in their own way. But do you know what science says about this?

Sociologists at a German university organized one of the largest surveys in the world to find out what things women want to see in their partners the most. This survey of 64,000 people from 180 countries says that it is not physical health or wealth, but the generosity or kindness of a partner that attracts women the most.

Not only heterosexual women, but homosexuals and transsexuals also participated in this survey. Of the participating women, 40,600 were between the ages of 18 and 24.

Nearly 90 percent of survey participants said the quality they most want to see in a partner is kindness. Second and third on this list are empathy and intelligence. 86.5 and 72 percent women respectively want to see these qualities in their partner.


The survey data also says that 64 percent of women prefer educational qualifications and about 60 percent of women prefer confident men. But remember, every person is different and the basis of their relationship is also different. Therefore, it is not advisable to consider any such survey as always true.

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