Awami League leaders and activists have to pay money to return to the area

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Jumbangla Desk: Awami League leaders and activists have been homeless for more than a month and a half after the Awami League was ousted from power. The way their houses and businesses were being attacked after the last five Augusts, is not seen now. News from BBC Bengal.

Awami League leaders and activists have to pay money to return to the area
September 25, 20242 Mins Read

Jumbangla Desk: Awami League leaders and activists have been homeless for more than a month and a half after the Awami League was ousted from power. The way their houses and businesses were being attacked after the last five Augusts, is not seen now. News from BBC Bengal.

Student Andolon

As a result, the party's grassroots leaders and activists want to return to their families. But the fear of being attacked if they suddenly return to the area is also working among them.

That is why they are communicating with those who are influential in the area.

A ward level leader of Awami League told BBC Bangla that there is no other way. How long will I run away from my wife and children?

As the BNP has now taken control in most areas, Awami League leaders and activists who are 'undercover' are mainly communicating with the leaders of the party.

They have to pay huge amount of money to return to the area. The leader of a district in Kshinbang said that he asked for three lakhs, but after saying many things, he is returning with one lakh taka.

But who took the money? In response to this question, the leader, who did not wish to be named, said that he is not a great leader. Ward level leaders like us. However, the Awami League leader did not agree to reveal his name.

He said, if it becomes known, it will disturb more, you understand. Then I can't stay in the area with my family.

However, there are many leaders of Awami League who are unable to return home even with money. One such person told BBC Bangla that he paid money in two installments to two leaders to return home. But then three weeks passed, I could not go home. I don't even know when I can go.

But after giving money, why could not return to the area? In response, he said, how to return? Hearing that two people have given money, now more people are asking for money on mobile. How many people will give money?

He does not think that the one and a half lakh rupees he has given to the two leaders will be of any use.

Awami League Trinamool leader said that those who took the money in the first phase are local leaders of BNP. And now those who are asking for money are introducing the organization of BNP.


Some say youth leader, some say volunteers. They will not be allowed to enter the area if they are not paid,' said the Awami League field level leader.

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