Human body produces new blood every day, so where does the old blood go?

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Lifestyle Desk: Blood is called the river of our body. You must have heard doctors say that new blood is produced in the body every day, so blood should be donated occasionally. There is no weakness in it. Because blood is always generated. Despite this, many do not donate blood.

Human body produces new blood every day, so where does the old blood go?
September 25, 20242 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: Blood is called the river of our body. You must have heard doctors say that new blood is produced in the body every day, so blood should be donated occasionally. There is no weakness in it. Because blood is always generated. Despite this, many do not donate blood.

blood donation

In such a situation, a question may come to your mind that when blood is produced in the body every day, where does the old blood go? Continuous blood production will increase the amount of blood in the body. In such a situation, it must be cut somewhere, or the body may be damaged. Now find out the answer to this question.

We cannot live without blood. It reaches even the smallest part of the body, only then all the organs are active. Know how blood is made in the body? Whenever we eat or drink something, our body absorbs this food and reaches the bones. This is where blood production begins.

Now let's come to the main topic… Our body makes new blood every day, but the old blood remains fresh even when it is destroyed. Blood is lost in two ways. First, old blood is excreted from the body mainly through urine. Second, old blood is moved to different parts of the body and new blood is formed there.


Blood flow in the body occurs mostly through the circulatory system, which includes the heart, arteries, and veins. Through this process, old blood is destroyed and new blood is formed in the body. It doesn't take long to produce half a liter of blood from someone's body. The person recovers within 3-4 days. But it depends on the diet and his body.

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