What is the Bengali meaning of bicycle? Many cannot say

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Jumbangla Desk: Abanindranath Tagore said that the best invention of modern civilization is bicycle. It doesn't need oil, it doesn't need coal, man is walking on his own feet, but the speed has increased, the most important thing is that it is within the reach of people of all

What is the Bengali meaning of bicycle? Many cannot say
September 25, 20242 Mins Read

Jumbangla Desk: Abanindranath Tagore said that the best invention of modern civilization is bicycle. It doesn't need oil, it doesn't need coal, man is walking on his own feet, but the speed has increased, the most important thing is that it is within the reach of people of all classes of society. In today's era we cannot imagine life without bicycle. But if you ask the Bengali name of the bicycle, many people will stumble.


If you walk on any road in India or the world, you will see many bicycles. Cycling is also very good for the body. Many of us have childhood memories of bicycles. Cycling to school, falling while learning to ride a bike, and even many people's first love are memories of the bicycle. Bicycles have been associated with Bengali life since the 19th century.

Carl von Daron of Germany invented the bicycle in 1817 in Mannheim, Germany. In 1880, the first two wheels were brought to the same level, chains and tires were attached. After various experiments, the bicycle came to its present appearance. As the bicycle does not cause environmental pollution in any way, it is currently used in all countries of the world.


Different types of bicycles are available in the market. There were separate bicycles for boys and girls several decades ago. There are different size bicycles for different age groups. Recently, electronic bicycles have come into the market. There are also different types of bikes available like racing bikes, mountain bikes. Bicycle racing is considered as a sport. The Bengali name of this bicycle is 'Dwichachrayan'.


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