Busy industrial areas, workers happy to return to work

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Jumbangla Desk: After several days of labor protests, there is a busy atmosphere in the industrial area. All clothing factories in the country are opening. Garment workers are happy to accept their demands and return to work.

Busy industrial areas, workers happy to return to work
September 25, 20241 Min Read
Jumbangla Desk: After several days of labor protests, there is a busy atmosphere in the industrial area. All clothing factories in the country are opening. Garment workers are happy to accept their demands and return to work.


From Wednesday morning, workers were seen spontaneously joining work in the factories.

No untoward incident has been reported so far.

The production of the factories has also started in full swing. Industrial police and army members have intensified patrolling to keep the environment of the industrial factory area normal.

Earlier, garment owners and workers held a meeting in the meeting room of the Ministry of Labor and Employment on Tuesday to resolve the unrest in the garment industry. In the meeting, workers and employers agreed on 18 demands.

Later, a joint statement was given in a press conference. Garment workers are happy to accept their demands and return to work.

The workers said that our demands have been accepted, now we want to work. I don't want to do any movement, it will harm us if we move. Poor people, we work and eat, if we stop the garments, we have to sit on the road with our families.

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Another worker said, “It's great to be back at work. Our owner accepted the claim. Now we don't have any problem, we are very well."


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