Ways to reduce mobile addiction in children

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Lifestyle Desk: Nowadays smartphones are an integral part of our daily life. Communication or work, it is possible to have a smartphone in hand. Smartphones are now seen in the hands of people of all ages. As useful as this device is, it poses risks. Mobile addiction especially in children

Ways to reduce mobile addiction in children
September 6, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Nowadays smartphones are an integral part of our daily life. Communication or work, it is possible to have a smartphone in hand. Smartphones are now seen in the hands of people of all ages. As useful as this device is, it poses risks. Mobile addiction especially in children.


More or less parents hand over mobile phones to children at some point or the other. But watching mobile for some time becomes an addiction of the child. Then it is not possible to keep the child without a mobile phone in any way, in addition, the child's irritable mood, inattention, sleep problems and other problems are added. Behavioral problems, discord with parents, lagging behind in education etc. are also seen in teenagers. What should parents do to cure their child's mobile addiction? Let's find out.

1. If the child is very young, never use the phone or keep it in front of the child's eyes. If necessary, keep a specific time for your close people, relatives, when you will contact them or they will contact you.

2. Buy colorful and interesting books for the baby, spend interactive time with them. Sing or rhyme with him. When the child smiles and cheers, smile too. Take different colored pencils, colored paper and draw and paint pictures with him.

3. Explain the disadvantages of excessive mobile use in teenagers. Create a daily routine for them. The routine will be from waking up to going to sleep. Start with your child's education, eating, bathing, resting, recreation and sports in this routine.

4. In the case of teenagers, it is impossible to let them not use mobile at all these days. In that case, keep a fixed time for mobile use in his routine. Encourage your child to follow this routine. For this you can give small prizes of your choice.

5. Praise the child's other good deeds, qualities more. Encourage their practice. Take an active part with him in exercising his creative qualities. Give him the opportunity to showcase his talent in various competitive events as per the opportunity.

6. If the child does not want to follow the routine when it comes to mobile use and cries, screams, rages and insists, then deal with the situation patiently without scolding or beating him. Instead, take away an item or facility he likes. This is called negative punishment. Negative punishment is an important part of behavior modification therapy. Finally, if you can't get your child's excessive mobile usage under control after applying all the above methods, then definitely consult a child-adolescent psychiatrist.

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