Loneliness increases the risk of various diseases, 5 ways to eliminate it

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Lifestyle Desk: All people in the world feel lonely at some point in their lives. It's a feeling. If it is prolonged then it becomes a problem. Due to various environmental reasons, loneliness and isolation prevail in a person's life. Loneliness can cause health problems includ


Loneliness increases the risk of various diseases, 5 ways to eliminate it
September 25, 20245 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: All people in the world feel lonely at some point in their lives. It's a feeling. If it is prolonged then it becomes a problem. Due to various environmental reasons, loneliness and isolation prevail in a person's life. Loneliness can cause health problems including heart disease.


Sultana Shikder Ahana lost both parents at a very young age. His brothers and sisters were also small at that time. He grew up alone.

She came to Dhaka as a teenager and studied at her relatives' house or hostel.

Since that age, he has supported his studies by teaching students and working part-time.

His long experience of solitary life and lonely walks.

Sultana Shikder says, 'I had no one to support me at that time. Bonding didn't develop that way with my siblings. I wanted to study and stand on my own feet, they wanted me to get married soon. I left home at the age of 17. My relationship with them has never been good since then."

After completing his university life, he studied further. Worked in the bank for a long time. Now he has his own business.

Married 16 years ago. But the experience was not a happy one. So chose the path of separation.

Loneliness never left him after all.

Sultana Shikder was saying, 'In 2011, I had very high blood pressure. Then my doctor said very specifically that the main reason for the increase in the disease was that I was alone and I had to do everything alone. You have to take responsibility for everything. I am very stressed because of this.'

"In 2018 I was diagnosed with thyroid problem. One of the causes of thyroid problems is stress. Illnesses that Loneliness Increases

According to the US Centers for Disease Control or CDC, there is now strong scientific evidence that loneliness increases the risk of various diseases.

Loneliness increases the risk of heart disease by 29 percent and the risk of stroke by 32 percent, the agency says.

Long-term loneliness increases the risk of dementia, a serious brain disease that can't remember anything, by 50 percent.

Depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies are more common among lonely people than others.

Because of these reasons, lonely people are more likely to die early.

National Institute of Mental Health Associate Professor Dr. Helal Uddin says, 'There are many people who are forced to stay alone. For many of them, loneliness is like a prison. Lonely people suffer from uncertainty about many things.'

'He gets more anxiety and stress in his mind. Which increases the release of some stress hormones in the body. This hormone increases high blood pressure, increases the pressure on the heart, helps to increase diabetes. High blood pressure also increases kidney disease.'

He also says that loneliness reduces people's social skills. Creates personality problems. He became more alone.

According to him, anger can also develop when mountains of loneliness accumulate in the mind.

Even when alone in the family

There are many people who feel lonely even with family members. One of them is Nazia Hossain.

'My mother has schizophrenia. Due to his mental illness, he does not speak normally like other people. He has other ailments. My only brother is autistic. Because of this, I don't have anything to talk about with the whole family.'

'I take care of them all, live in the same house. But I am alone with them. I can't tell anyone at home even if there are family members. The only person to talk to is my father who has separated and married elsewhere,' she said.

25-year-old Nazia Hossain works in a real estate company in Dhaka. Studying at the same time. In spite of so much busyness, the loneliness and depression that accompany his life can't be overcome in any way.

Loneliness is more severe when one has to do all the important responsibilities like taking care of two sick members of the family, work, study alone. But he can't even talk to anyone about it.

Experts say loneliness and depression are closely related.

Nazia Hossain was saying, 'There are many days when I don't have the mental strength to get out of bed in the morning. Everything seems so empty. There is always anxiety about the future in the head.'

There are many negative thoughts in the mind. Nothing makes me happy. I can't sleep properly for a long time. I have no taste in food. I have to eat, so I force myself to eat. I don't feel like doing anything. So what happens when you get out of bed?'

Do what you can to overcome loneliness

Sultana Shikder was saying, 'What will happen to me when I am old? Who will see me? So I think I have to end my life at some point. I used to feel like this. Later I realized that this cannot be a solution.'

'Now I have joined a runners group. We run together, don't participate in different events. Exercise is. I have a group of friends who go to each other's houses for dinner. I feel much better doing these things.'

Dr. Helal Uddin is giving this advice.

He says:

- Find something you enjoy doing. Do something to distract yourself from negative thoughts. It could be listening to music, reading a book or gardening. However, it should not be harmful.

- Join various social events, organizations in your area. Be good for a while. There will be contact with new people, friendship will increase.

- Join a charity that makes you feel good. Try to increase positive thinking.

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– Try to talk without holding back, talk to friends, family about your feelings.

- To reduce the pressure of loneliness, Dr. is also talking about learning to enjoy it. Helal Uddin

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