Dowry is not a gift, Dowry is alms

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Lifestyle Desk: Marriage is a social bond. This sacred bond is the commandment of Allah and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This bond prevents people from committing sins. A kind of uncivilized society has made this bond a means of earning money in present times. People's huma

Dowry is not a gift, Dowry is alms
September 26, 20243 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: Marriage is a social bond. This sacred bond is the commandment of Allah and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This bond prevents people from committing sins. A kind of uncivilized society has made this bond a means of earning money in present times. People's humanity and ethics are disappearing day by day. As a result, human degradation and natural disasters are taking place.

Dowry custom

Social evils and superstitions Dowry Hundreds of mothers and sisters are dying prematurely due to the curse of dowry. Every day and night around the dowry, women are tortured and oppressed. Women are the scapegoats of physical and mental abuse. The sky and air of the world are crying with the cry of women oppression. People do not understand how inhumane it is to ask for money from the bride. This is not the work of a civilized society.

There is no telling how much effort and money a parent spends to make an educated woman an ideal woman. When it comes to marriage, parents are burdened with huge debts.

Islam has placed the women in the seat of honor as much as possible; No other religion in the world has honored women like this. Many religions leave women naked on the streets; But the boys are walking around wearing clothes and covering their bodies. The main causes of dowry are greed and social corruption.

Dowry does not exist in Islamic Sharia; Islam has declared dowry receivers as oppressors. In real sense - marriage is the perfect legal bond and social contract between a man and a woman. Islam encourages legal marriage. A person is then of marriageable age; When mentally, physically and financially able to lead a married life.

Thousands of families are breaking up prematurely due to the prevalence of dowry system. How many women are dying with a smile to save their families, how many innocent children are losing their mothers prematurely, how many parents are losing their daughters prematurely, how many women are committing suicide by pouring kerosene on their bodies, how many women are voluntarily dying by falling under cars or trains. , how many women are committing suicide with a rope around their neck along with their children; These scenes are breathtaking.

This brutal scenario is appearing every day in newspapers and on TV screens. Today we are taking dowry; Tomorrow I am giving dowry to the son's side for the marriage of sister or close relatives. That is, any gourd is Kadu.

If the characteristics of monsters or ferocious animals are visible among people, then it should be understood; They are the product of spoiled birth. They want to plant crops in fertile soil without investment. But they do not pay dowry properly to the wife. Does not give fair rights to wife. Islam entrusts the wife to the husband as a deposit; Not as a slave or maid. Those who see the wife as a servant rather than as a deposit are enemies of Islam and true hypocrites.


The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of Hell. Dowry cannot be stopped by litigation. The dowry system will not stop unless the good sense of the people emerges and humanity returns. Poet Kazi Nazrul wrote in his poem called Nari.

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