What is the difference between invitation and invitation? Many do not know

Jumbangla Desk : These days interesting questions are going viral on social media or various internet platforms and many people try to know it. Even in competitive exams and interviews such questions are asked. In this report, some of these questions are answered, which you may have never

What is the difference between invitation and invitation? Many do not know
September 26, 20242 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk : These days interesting questions are going viral on social media or various internet platforms and many people try to know it. Even in competitive exams and interviews such questions are asked. In this report, some of these questions are answered, which you may have never heard before.

Invitations and invitations

1) Question: Tell me which vitamin causes excessive cold?
Ans: According to experts, if the body is deficient in iron and vitamin B12, excess amount of cold is felt.

2) Question: Do you know the social media platform Instagram is a company of which country?
Answer: Instagram is an American company.

3) Question: Which country in the world has the most earthquakes?
Answer: Japan is the only country in the world that experiences the highest number of earthquakes.

4) Question: Which animal has three hearts in its body?
Answer: Octopus actually has three hearts in its body.

5) Q: In which city of India electricity service was started first?
Answer: Electricity was first used in the city of Calcutta in 1899.

6) Question: Which city in India does not have money and government?
Answer: A famous city in Tamil Nadu, named Auroville. There is no money and no government in this city.

7) Question: Do you know which animal cannot look at the sky while standing?
Answer: Only a pig cannot look at the sky while standing.

8) Question: When does the human heart stop for 1 millisecond?
Answer: Actually during sneezing the human heart stops for 1 millisecond.

9) Question: Do you know the flag of any country in the world is not square?
Answer: Actually Nepal is the only country whose flag is not square. The flag of this country is triangular in shape.

Balakrishna increased the remuneration 3 times

10) Question: Do you know the difference between invitation and invitation?
Answer: In fact, when a special guest is invited to an event, it is called an invitation. But when a guest is asked to come in a wedding ceremony, it is an invitation, because if food is provided, it is called an invitation.

Mohammad Monirul

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