Don't forget these five questions for girls

Lifestyle Desk: Girls really love to talk. Girls are also very good listeners. But mixing or talking well with everyone doesn't mean you can ask him any embarrassing question you want! Because in some cases girls are very emotional. So there are questions surrounding them which they

Lifestyle Desk: Girls really love to talk. Girls are also very good listeners. But mixing or talking well with everyone doesn't mean you can ask him any embarrassing question you want! Because in some cases girls are very emotional. So there are questions surrounding them which they don't like at all.


Let us know about five questions that girls should not forget-

>> Many people like to criticize the clothes of girls. Even boys are not exempt from the clothing debate. Many people directly asked that why are you wearing such clothes? If you have this bad habit, quit it today. Because this is a very annoying question to a girl.

>> You are so beautiful, why are you still single? 18 years does it mean that the girl can no longer be single? What kind of question is this? It should be left entirely up to the girl who she chooses, when. Such embarrassing questions should not be asked at all.

>> daughter's wedding when? Do girls become old when they reach 20? Not only parents, but even neighbors get sleepless nights with their daughter's marriage. Girls do not take this question very well.

>> When are you giving the good news? When the girls get married, the only question of the family is when the child will be born. This often happens. And girls don't like to hear this question at all.


>> It's better to focus on work instead of makeup. Let them decide how much time they will spend on makeup and how much time they will spend on studies or family work! Why make them uncomfortable by saying that? Even after doing this, the girls are handling everything at home and outside in equal measure.

Shohid Rana

750 Blog posts
