500 bullets in Liton's body, will be treated at CMH in Dhaka

Jumbangla Desk: Mohammad Liton, a student who was shot in the student movement, will be treated at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Dhaka. On Saturday, Thakurgaon Deputy Commissioner Ishrat Farzana directed an ambulance from Thakurgaon General Hospital to the Combined Military Hospi

Jumbangla Desk: Mohammad Liton, a student who was shot in the student movement, will be treated at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Dhaka. On Saturday, Thakurgaon Deputy Commissioner Ishrat Farzana directed an ambulance from Thakurgaon General Hospital to the Combined Military Hospital in Dhaka for advanced treatment. There will be advanced treatment of the college student Liton.


On September 27 and 28, a news item was published in a national daily titled '500 bullets in Liton's body, no one is taking responsibility for treatment'. This brings the matter to everyone's attention.

Liton's mother Lily Begum said that the district administrator called Liton's office and inquired about Liton's treatment. He then asked Liton to prepare for going to Dhaka.

Liton said, 'DC sir is sending me to CMH in Dhaka for better treatment. I am very happy about it.'

Thakurgaon General Hospital supervisor Sirajul Islam said that apart from Liton, six other people who were shot during the anti-discrimination student movement program are being sent to Dhaka in the same ambulance for treatment.

In this regard, Thakurgaon Deputy Commissioner Ishrat Farzana said, 'I spoke to CMH in Dhaka about Liton's treatment. The doctor there told Litton to go to a trauma center. After seeing him, the doctors on duty will tell him what treatment he can get.'

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On August 4, Liton was shot dead while attending an anti-discrimination student movement program in Court Chatwar area of ​​Thakurgaon city. His entire body was scarred by those shots. Doctors say Litton still has about 500 bullet wounds. Source: Today's newspaper

Shohid Rana

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