In the Holy Qur'an, good news is preferred over punishment

Lifestyle Desk: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave good news to people about Allah's reward and reward. But in the Holy Qur'an, good news is given priority over punishment. This was the approach of the Prophet (PBUH). He said, 'Make it easy, don't make it difficult. Give

Lifestyle Desk: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave good news to people about Allah's reward and reward. But in the Holy Qur'an, good news is given priority over punishment. This was the approach of the Prophet (PBUH). He said, 'Make it easy, don't make it difficult. Give good news, don't spread hate.' (Sahih Bukhari, verse: 69)

kuran majeed

Good news for whom Allah has given good news to different classes of believers in the Holy Qur'an. Some such classes are-

1. Those who believe: Allah has given good news to those who believe in Allah properly. It has been said, 'They are the repentant, the worshipers, the praisers of Allah, the bowers, the prostraters, the enjoiners of good deeds, the forbidders of evil deeds, and the keepers of the bounds ordained by Allah; Give glad tidings to these believers' (Sura: Tawba, verse: 112).

2. Those who are humble: Allah loves the humble. In the Holy Qur'an he asked the humble to give good news. It was said, 'Give glad tidings to the humble. Whose hearts tremble with fear at the mention of Allah's Name, who persevere in their calamities, perform prayer, and spend out of the sustenance We have given them.' (Surah: Hajj, Verses: 34-35)

3. Those who are patient: Allah has given good news to those who are patient. It is said about them, 'Give glad tidings to those who are patient, who, when danger befalls them, say, We belong to Allah and to Him we surely return. These are the ones upon whom special grace and mercy are showered from their Lord. And they are the rightly guided.' (Surah: Baqarah, Verses: 155-157)

4. Those who do good deeds: Allah declared about those who do good deeds, 'Before this, the Book of Moses was an example and a grace. And this book is its supporter—in Arabic, that it may warn the wrongdoers and give glad tidings to those who do good.' (Surah: Ahkaf, verse: 12)

About which the good news is given

Some of the good news that Allah has given to the believers in the Holy Qur'an are-

1. Glad Tidings of Help : Allah gives glad tidings of help to the believers, saying, 'My word has already been decreed concerning My messengers that they shall surely be helped and My forces shall be victorious.' (Surah: Saffat, Verses: 171-173)

2. The good news of the Khilafat: Allah will give the believers Khilafat and the power to rule the world. It is stated, 'Allah promises those among you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will certainly grant them representation in the world, as He granted representation to those before them, and He will certainly establish for them their religion, which He wills for them. And instead of fear, give them security.' (Surah: Noor, verse: 55)

3. Good news of victory: Allah will give the final victory to the believers . It is said, 'And He will bestow another favor upon you. Allah's help and imminent victory; Give good news to the believers.' (Surah: Saf, verse: 13)

4. Good tidings of ease: Allah has given the believers good tidings of good times as opposed to bad times. It has been said, 'With hardship there is relief. Surely with suffering there is relief.' (Surah: Inshirah, Verses: 5-6)

5. The good news of high status: Those who believe in Allah and obey His laws, Allah will grant them high status in this world and the hereafter. It has been said, 'Is it a wonder to mankind that We have revealed to one of them that you warn the people and give glad tidings to the believers, for them is exalted with their Lord.' (Surah: Yunus, verse: 2)

6. Good News of Forgiveness: Allah gives the good news of forgiveness to the believers, saying, 'You can only warn him who obeys the advice and fears Allah, the Merciful without seeing. Therefore, give him the news of forgiveness and great reward.' (Surah: Yasin, verse: 11)

7. The Good News of Paradise: Allah has given the believers the good news of Paradise. The Holy Qur'an says, 'Give glad tidings to those who believe and do good deeds, that for them are Gardens, at whose feet springs flow.' (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 25)

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May Allah bless everyone with His good news. Amen.

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